Stay safe

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Dean clutched the phone tight to his ear.

"They're confused Dean. I can help them"

Cas was always trying so hard to be the hero for heaven, but too often he had accidentally become the villain. It hurt Dean to see cas fall so hard every time he tried to help, but now all he wanted was for the Angel to be safe.

"Look cas." He said a bit desperately " I know you want to help but who do you think they're gonna blame for this?" Silence ruled on the phone until Dean asked "I'm begging you for once look after yourself" he heard a weary sigh in Cas's end as the hospital began to shake. "Crap"

"Dean? What's going on?" Cas asked with a worried voice.

"Nothing I can't handle. Just get to the bunker we'll figure it out from there" Dean was forced to hang up but he spared one precious moment to glance at his last connection to his angel. "Please" he whispered "stay safe"

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