When it all falls down

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All three of us finally heard the sounds of battle subsiding from the barn. The stairs began to creak as either some one, or some thing came down to either kills us or collapse before us. When I saw Dean emerge from his encounter with Cain I should have been joyous, happy that it just might be over. But then I saw his face, bruised, bloody, and his eyes so dull that he may as well have been blind.

"Dean?" Sam looks tentative, as if any move towards his brother could unleash the mark. Turning so we can see the hand gripping the blade Dean looks and, for once, doesn't lie and say he's "O.K", he just looks at us.

"...Dean. The blade" Crowley looks fearful as Dean turns to hand the blade back to Crowley.

And then I see the handle in front of me.

"You lied to me."

"Yeah. I did, Cain had a hit list. And you weren't on it"

Crowley disappears his anger palpable. Dean begins to fall and as Sam and I catch him I feel only one emotion. Happiness. The only reason is that, Dean trusts me again. Enough to face the wrath of Crowley and that is not nothing. As Dean is being practically carried away by Sam I vow to make deans painful decision to let the blade go worth it.

I didn't know what time it was that i finally woke up, but I felt worse than the time Sammy and I had a drinking contests for how many times bobby said "idjit". It was quiet in the bunker but not the usual "up all night don't wake me up or I'll stab you" kind of silent. It was more like the "oh crap what do we do" kind of silent.

As I walked to the kitchen Cas stepped in front of me. "Dean" he stared at me with.. Concern? He still wasn't exactly a black belt in emotions. "Are you alright? I did my best but my power is still fading" I only notice now that I'm not bleeding from half of my visible skin.

"Yeah no. I'm good Cas thanks." I'm so glad he's here right now. If someone else had left me because of the mark I'd lose it. Or maybe he just makes me feel safe. I think we've been staring too long  when Sam walks in and starts grinning like a moron.

"Hey Dean. How's the land of the living?"

"Better than the land of hell. What'd ya need?"

"Nothing. Cas was just taking a long time..." Sam had been slowly creeping up on Cas from behind. What the hell was that dork up to now? "I just remembered that I left my computer over here.... HA!"

Sam shoved Cas forward and I had to duck a little to grab him. Our faces came close... So close I could count the long eyelashes framing his stunning eyes. Neither of us let go until Sam decided to take matters into his own hands. Dick. We were so focused on not embarrassing each other than Sam had maneuvered behind me and as I fell forward so did Cas.

My fall was considerably harder as I was holding up the both of us, and as my head went down... I felt something on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Cas's eyes and it finally clicked that we were making out in the hallway, and I don't think either of us minded.

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