Love is found on the losing side

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I said in the description that it's not all destiel just most of it so until I get ideas for that here's a johnlock to shake things up a bit.

Irene Adler. She was... Interesting to be sure, but John had felt ill at ease around her, like she was waiting to stab him in the back and take Sherlock for herself. He had come to accept his odd feelings about the detective over time but he never thought it would turn out to be a crush... Ugh no, not a crush to be sure, there was that cute waitress at his favorite cafe, and his old friend from the army too... (I'm assuming that in England women can be sent into combat zones like America but I could be wrong)

"John you've been staring at a blank blog page for an hour. I know you're not making any deductions since our last case ended days ago and we were paid handsomely for it so money isn't an issue for quite awhile." Sherlocks voice interrupted Johns pondering of his love life.

"It's nothing Sherlock. Just... I dunno looking for a good way to write this" he finished a bit weakly, knowing Sherlock would see right through him.

"Hmmm" Sherlock narrowed his eyes but humored his companion. "Fine but if my violin is distracting you I suggest you move, I certainly won't." And he turned his tall frame back to the window playing a beautiful melody.

"Is that from The Lord of the Rings?" John recognized it as the theme of Rohan.

"Yes, I've always found Howard shore to be an interesting conductor." Sherlock felt pleased that John listened to his music enough to discern its origin. Of course it was purely for the fact that he knew his friend was observing rather than merely hearing. Yes that was all.

"I'm going out Sherlock. Don't ruin another one of my jumpers" John grabbed his jacket and left the flat while Sherlock yelled

"I needed to see the consistency of different materials ash!"

John rolled his eyes but smiled. He didn't really care about the jumper, and it would be weird if Sherlock actually asked John's permission for anything. As he walked aimlessly away from Baker Street he didn't feel two pairs of eyes watching him. One held concern and confusion, but the other held only cold calculation... And a gun in his hand.

It had been too long since John had left. Sherlock knew the approximate time of even johns longest walking routes and it had been an hour over the maximum time. "MRS HUDSON!!" He thundered "IS JOHN WITH YOU?"

"No Sherlock. He went out for a walk! It's been quite a long while though, I'm beginning to worry"

Maybe John had left him.... As he thought of that awful possibility he ran through his last few encounters with John. No, he couldn't have done anything wrong if he had John would've brought it up or glared at the back of sherlocks head until judgement day. Sherlock was becoming more and more agitated. It wasn't like him to get this worked up over johns safety, they had been in firefights together practically and he knew how to handle himself... Still, calling him wouldn't hurt. As Sherlock pulled out his phone it began to ring and johns caller ID popped up on the screen. "John where have you been?" He felt relieved but covered it up, John only thought of them as friends. No more no less and that was good...

"Hello Mr. Holmes" a voice answered that was definitely not johns. "I'm surprised you didn't see me so close to you pet in the alleyway" the voice tsked disapprovingly "looks like the great detective isn't all he's made out to be.... Or maybe he's too entranced by his 'colleague'" at this the sound of something, or someone, being kicked was heard and a moan of pain was relayed through the phone.

"If you hurt him, I will not be so kind as to bring Scotland Yard in to deal with you. I will send you down to the bottom of the Thames myself"

"Too late for that I'm afraid! I have to say John dear certainly has loyalty. He hasn't said a word to me about the Adler case! I do hate it when they don't squeal" another kicking noise and a cry of pain this time. "Should I let you two have a little chat? It could be your laaaast...."

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