Destiel Throughout the Seasons

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Ok I know this has HORRIBLE punctuation but I was writing this really fast and I'm too tired to edit very well because I have a job now... Anyways, enjoy!

Season 4: The season that started it all! So basically, Dean is super sketchy on wether or not he should trust Cas. But when he meets Cas again during the episode "It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester" he begins to trust Cas because of Cas trusting him with his biggest secret of being doubtful. Next, after the incident with Azael, he begins to trust him more and more while Cas is slowly warming up to Sam and Dean's attitude towards pretty much everything. When the whole Anna thing happens (where they have some intense car sex) Dean is just being a little man-hoe but that's ok because we love him. And Cas is jealous until Anna turns into an angel and is eventually killed in...

Season 5: Cas is really serious about Dean and he goes all-out rebel to help him and they have some great moments. Buuuut Cas finds out that Dean is gonna be the michael-sword and is just "no my one true love isn't gonna be a meat suit" and tries to warn Dean but he's too late because the Angels capture him before he can tell Dean. When he gets back he's all brainwashed but when the Angels capture Dean and take him to the green room Dean and Cas "break up" for about 5 whole seconds and then Cas is just "screw it I love him and am gonna help him stop lucifer" so he does and then lucifer explodes Cas and then God brings him back so he can heal Dean and then bring Sam back from the pit so that Dean can be happy but there are some issues with that so that leads us to.....

Season 6: Cas is super happy that he was able to help stop the apocalypse but Raphael is an ass-butt and wants to go back and re-start it, so they're fighting and Cas is hiding things (like working with Crowley to harness the power of the souls in purgatory) from Dean who is doing his absolute best to vouch for Cas because he loves him, even though Sam and Bobby say he's doing something sketchy (which he is). And when he finds out its like one big breakup because he keeps trying to convince Cas to stop but he won't and eventually opens up purgatory and absorbs all the souls (including the leviathan) which is the main problem in...

Season 7: Not a whole lot of destiel but Dean is super sad because he thinks Cas is dead cause of the leviathan and he's really depressive about it and before Cas "died" he promised to do whatever it took to make Dean trust him again. So Cas eventually comes back to life but without his memories near the end of the season, but when Dean gives him back the trench coat that he kept (because he loves Cas and misses him) Cas is just "wth I'm going to trust this guy" so he regains his memories and then goes crazy to help Sam so that Dean isn't sad. Then at the end of the season Cas helps the boys, even though he's still crazy, and he helps Dean and they both get trapped in purgatory which is the beginning of...

Season 8: Dean is super guilty about how he escaped from purgatory and Cas didn't, but when Cas comes back he's super cautious and eventually confronts Cas about it and Cas is just "it's not your fault" and Dean is still really sketchy on Cas because of Naomi's angel-control making Cas act weird. The literal most destiel moment ever then happens when Dean is getting the crap beaten out of him and he's just "I need you" so the power of his and Cas's love (obviously) is what snaps him out of his mind-control but he completely vanishes to hide the angel tablet and eventually gets tricked by metatron and the Angels fall and then...

Season 9: Dean gets the mark of Cain in the middle of the season to kill Abaddon and Cas and Sam are super annoyed because Dean is doing that irritating "self-sacrifice" thing that he's so good at, and Cas is trying to lead a rebellion against metatron which abandons him because he refuses to kill Dean(because he loves him again, obviously) and Dean is killed by metatron in the end of the season and Cas is crushed and just wants to be an angel again which leads us nicely into...

Season 10: Demon Dean makes everyone shocked/sad/super angry and Cas is willing to put his mission of helping the Angels on the back burner in order to help turn Dean human again even though his powers and grace are fading. Dean and Cas don't interact very much but there are a few "eye sex" moments and some nice bro-hugs and at the end Cas was willing to do whatever it took to remove the mark from Dean that eventually lead to the release of the Darkness (AKA, Amara) which is the start of...

Season 11: (the current season that just ended): The first thing Cas does (even though he has the guard dog spell on him which makes everything he does a struggle to stop from turning into a mindless killing machine) is to check on Dean and make sure he's ok after the spell Rowena did released the darkness. Then they find Cas and Dean takes care of him but the guard dog spell finally gets the best of him and poor Cas goes crazy and beats the tar out of Dean. But finally Sam gets Rowena to take the spell away and it hurts Cas a lot and it's amazing because Dean touches his face so much (which is just a weird thing I find romantic) and they go back to the bunker and leave Cas there to recuperate for several episodes. Unfortunately, Cas starts to feel like he's useless to the boys which is why he lets lucifer possess him/his vessel (but not really his vessel anymore I guess) so that he can help Dean and Sam more. After Dean finds out about this and Cas gets captured by Amara he's super worried and feels really bad and is constantly talking about saving Cas. Then at the end of the season when it seems like Dean is gonna die again he says his "final goodbyes" to Cas and they hug and talk and it's so sweet, and that is...

The End!... For Now

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