I need you

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Based upon episode 17 season 8

Another blow rained down on deans face. After Cas had seen the tablet he had just gone on autopilot trying to get it from the Winchester. He hated it. Seeing deans face bruised, cut, and bloody made his vessels heart ache. Knowing that he was the cause of such pain to Dean made it even worse as he begged Naomi "Please! Stop"

"No! I'm ORDERING you to take the tablet!"

He flashed back to see deans face so broken beg him "Cas... This isn't you" another punch. "Please.. We're family, we need you"

He felt his hand hesitate, just maybe what Dean would say next could sway his forbidden feelings for this hunter to save him.

"I need you"

That was exactly what he needed to hear. He disappeared from Naomi's grasp as her evil brainwashing was wiped away by the power of those 3 words. Cas dropped his blade and Dean folded over gasping in pain as the Angel placed his free hand on the side of deans face. Thinking Cas was still trying to kill him Dean pulled back but Cas stayed firm and healed the damaged to Dean. As his skin healed castiel wished desperately that his hand, still gently resting on deans face, would pull him even closer to Dean but he was afraid of what might happen next. The hand dropped and felt cold with the absence of deans fiery skin.

He picked up the tablet as Dean stood and asked what happened.

"I'm so sorry dean"

"It's alright. We have the tablet now we can fix all of this" Dean felt hope in him again as his, yes his, angel shook his head sadly and replied

"I have to keep this safe... Even from you" with one last sad look, trying to memorize the elder Winchesters face castiel disappeared leaving Dean alone again.

Dammit! Dean thought there would be an angel shaped hole in the air where Cas's presence had been. He wanted to fight side by side like they once had again. But most of all he wished he hadn't said "I need you" he should have said "I love you".

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