Where did it begin?

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There were many places where Castiel and Dean had crossed paths. The first, being the barn in Illinois, sparks flew as dean laid eyes on Cas for the first time. For Cas it had begun when he stared into those tortured green eyes and wanted to tell Dean that he deserved to be saved.

For Dean it wasn't when Cas saved him from Alistair the first time, or even the second time. It had been in heavens green room. When Cas chose to give everything for him. He abandoned his post, became hunted, rebelled, and he'd do it all over again for Dean.

Both, being the boneheads that they were when it came to their own happiness, never showed any sign of anything more than platonic friendship when things were going well. But when Cas left, or Dean died, they would feel their hearts break just a little more. Sam, seeing through their act, wanted to help. But stepping into this would just be stupid, so he watched it all play out from his post as brother.

Finally the day has come. When a fate worse than death befell the elder Winchester. Black eyes, and blood. After the screams of corruption left Dean for the last time, and he went into his room he made his choice. As Cas walked into his room, Dean smiled wearily. They stood in silence, filled with words unspoken, and feelings bottled up until it was shattered by the words.

"Don't leave me again"

"I don't plan on doing that Cas. We're family"

Castiel deflated. Was he merely just like another brother of deans? Of course his luck would turn out that way.

"I need you Cas." He stood and walked over, placing his hands on Cas's shoulders "but you're not a brother to me. You're more"

Finally, Cas could say what he had wanted to say all along.

Finally, Dean could tell him.

"I think I'm in love with you"

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