Fangs vs wings

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Benny vs Cas for Dean's affections. Simple and love triangles are fun

"Hey-O Dean. How have things been?" Benny asked in his deep and sexy voice. Sam and Dean had been returning from a hunt with Cas when they happened upon Benny hitching a ride to Kansas.

"It's been awhile Benny." Dean smiled and gave his old friend a hug, Cas tensed against the impala whil Sam silently giggled. This romantic tension was gonna be so much fun to watch.

"Where've you been buddy? It's been months!" Dean asked.

"Here and there. Not a lot to do since my nest tried to rip my head off, so I decided to come to you guys"

"Sure hop in" Sam grinned devilishly as he slid into the backseat tugging Cas with him. Benny and Dean got into the car and they drove back to the bunker. With Cas glaring daggers into the back of the vampire's head.

"I'm turning in." Sam called as he left the main room of the bunker. Cas, Dean, and Benny were still sitting around one of the library tables chatting about nothing in particular. Cas had been a bit more quiet than the usual Cas quiet, but Dean and Benny attempted to fix the awkwardness by talking more, and trying to get Cas to join in.

"Sam's got the right idea" Dean yawned and stretched revealing a tantalizing strip of torso, "I'm done, Cas why don't you show Benny around the bunker? Seeing as neither of you sleep"

"Of course" Cas was just happy that all of deans attention was on him for once.

"Ok compadre. What do the Winchester's have in their doomsday hideout?" He chuckled at the thought of the boys hoarding canned foods.

"They have a shooting range, dungeon, garage, archive room," Cas would've kept going but Benny stopped him

"Why don't we hit the shooting range? I've been needing some practice" sighing at having to lead the stealer of deans attention, Cas led Benny to the range.

They were up until dawn in the bunker. They started and finished in the shooting range as Dean walked in and whistled at Benny's accuracy. "Damn you never told me you could shoot like that"

"Never came up when we were runnin from leviathan and towards Cas here."Benny grinned.

Cas was finally fed up with Benny and Dean bromancing around the bunker all day and disappeared into his secret room. Dean noticed Cas slipping away and left saying "I have to check on something" Sam and Benny shared knowing glances as Dean followed Cas' retreat.

In a very remote part of the bunker Cas had discovered a room that had a ceiling completely of glass. He had no idea where it was in relation to the outside but he'd go there to look at the stars while the brothers slept. Cas laid on the ground with a sigh and stared at the clouds winding past his view. "I wish I could dislike Benny. But he has done me no wrong and is a kind person overall, despite being a vampire. But he's taking Dean away from me... I do not like emotions" he thought closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them he saw dean standing above him.

"Hey what's up? Ever since we picked up Benny you've been really.. Distant."

"It's nothing, I have rusty people skills remember?" He used air quotes and Dean grinned an laughed softly.

"Yeah I guess we all could say that" he sat next to Cas and they sat in comfortable silence, watching the world that they had saved so many times, pass overhead.

"To be truthful Dean. I was jealous that Benny has been receiving all of you attention lately" Cas said a bit sheepishly, "but he is your friend, and he helped to save me so I feel a bit bad about feeling this way..." He trailed off as Dean stared at him for a moment,

"Cas. I'd never put anyone else before you and Sam. You're all I have"

"Thank you Dean"

They continued to stare into each other's eyes for a few more seconds before Dean unexpectedly leaned in and gave Cas  a gentle kiss. As he pulled away, Cas grabbed the collar of Dean shirt and pulled back for a deeper one. It was everything he had wanted, from this half fallen life. All he wanted was Dean and now he had him.

Dean was over the moon. Cas never was any good with subtle hints but now he knew that they felt the same way.

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