I'm No Archangel

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Takes place in season 5 when the apocalypse is the big thing we all worried about.... *looks off into the distance* oh the days when that was all we had to worry about... Also I wrote this in an airport when I was bored as hell so bear with me if its not my best. L8rs!

3rd Person POV
The two came closer together... The energy from their stares causing the lights in the room to flicker...
Chuck, collapsed onto his keyboard, half asleep and increasingly frustrated with Castiel and Dean.

"My God guys... How hard is it to just make out already? Seriously this is giving me anxiety with all the sexual tension and eye-sex going on."

He muttered to himself while he looked around his house for some sort of alcohol. Finally finding a week-old case of beer in the back of the fridge, Chuck opened it up and took a swig.


Beer spewed everywhere as Chuck screamed at the sight of Dean and Sam bursting into his house.

"What do you want? I already helped you with the Lilith thing..."

"Shut the hell up" Dean said with an exasperated sigh, "We're here to ask about your archangel. We want to know if they can help us save a town that Lucifer is planning to hit."

"I-I haven't seen this..."

"Yeah. Well, we tend to go off-script a lot."

Sam replied, giving Dean a look searching for help in dealing with the uncooperative prophet. Dean just shrugged in reply.

"Look Chuck... We really need to stop Lucifer from killing all the people in this town. We don't know how he'll do it, or why, we just know we need to save people. The regular members of the God-squad aren't exactly jonesing to help us unless I say 'yes' so we thought that maybe your angel would be different."

Dean and Sam sighed with relief when Chuck nodded his head slowly.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try...But don't I have to be in danger for my archangel to appear?"

"That's not necessary."

Castiel appeared next to Dean with a flap of invisible wings. He looked at the hunter standing next to him and smiled slightly in greeting, giving a nod to Sam and Chuck. He walked over to the shaky prophet and placed two fingers on his head, muttering a summoning in enochian.

"Selaphiel will be here soon."

(A/N: that is a real archangel by the way, the angel of Wednesday)

Cas had barley finished speaking when a bright light appeared in the windows to Chuck's dirty house. A high pitched buzz filled the air and just when the noise became unbearable, silence fell. The humans in the room opened up their shielded eyes to see a tall man dressed in the usual angelic style of a grey suit. However, this angel gave off an aura of power that could not be contained by simply using a vessel.

"Castiel... Why has the great traitor called me down to Earth?"

Dean bristled slightly at the disgusted time of the angel before he stepped forward and spoke.

"Ok look here... Selaphiel. We know you don't like any of us, but we want to ask if you can help us to stop your big bro from knocking a town off the map."

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