He kept it

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This isn't really as long as I usually write stories I'll post another one soon it's just what it really meant when Dean gave his coat back and it's all deep and poetic for you guys who like this particular brand of generally ok writing that I do. Btw Cas still doesn't remember he's an angel yet cuz I say so. 😈 my oneshots my rules.

He held the coat out to the reluctant angel/healer. Dean felt nervous as Cas looked at the old material, the fabric roughed up from not being on an angel who could just fix it at any time.

It stood between them like an unspoken promise of sorts "if you take this" Dean thought "I can have another chance to forgive you". He thought back to all the times seeing this coat had brought him hope, when Zachariah had kidnapped him, and when he appeared besides Dean on a park bench, telling of his secret flaws as a solider.

Cas saw the nerves and the hope in the hunters eyes, it was odd how he didn't recall meeting this man but he felt his heart pick up speed at the intensity of deans stare. He reached out his hand to take the coat, and knew that there was no backing out now.

As Cas  walked away to smite the demons at the entrance of the mental hospital ,where Sam was slowly going insane, dean hoped Cas remembered them. And more importantly, why he would give up everything to save the Winchester boys. Dean saw the flash of light emitting from the demons eyes and mouths, "hope you like your brains extra-crispy asshats" he muttered as he ran down to the entrance where Cas waited.
I remember all of it now. Dean looks like I might fly away at the sight of him and Meg approaching but I haven't felt this in a long time. It feels good to recall that I have my wings as I feel the heavenly power and surge of strength they give me. It is enough strength to give me the courage to admit why I would do so much, sacrifice so much, for Dean. I believe the humans call it love. "Cas... You back?"

"Yes Dean. And I am so, so sorry for what I have unleashed in Sam's mind. I will do whatever it takes to make this up to you" he smiled at me as I tried to memorize his perfect features to help me endure what I know I have to do. There is no curing Sam, I can only take on his disease.

Dean and Sam drove away from the hospital where Cas had now taken Sam's place in the crazy box. Dean gripped the steering wheel and Sam looked sideways at him. "Dean..."

"I don't want to talk about it. I know what he did"

"We can find a way. I dunno fix it somehow... Figure it out"

Dean just smiled, grimly and tired, at Sam. "That's what we always do isn't it?"

"Sure" Sam thought "except you can't seem to figure out you're so in love with him" but he kept that little thought for a later date. Preferably to bring up once Cas was healed and back to having the most erotic eye contact ever with the elder Winchester.

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