Endings and New Beginnings

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Your Pov:

You walked down the concrete streets of the loud and busy city of New York City. Tears streamed down your face, you eyes red and the black of your mascara stain your cheeks. You sniffled and wiped your eyes, moving tear away from your eyes. "How could he?" You asked yourself in almost silent whisper.

You had just received a messgae from your boyfriend, the one, the only Casey Jones. You two had been going out for almost two years, in fact your two year anniversary was on a couple of weeks. You thought about this as you walked to the best pizza parlor in New York, well in your opinion anyways, Antonio's you were going to meet April and Casey.

You had to admit, you and April weren't excatly the best of freinds, but you tried to be nice to her as she did the same. You walled a crossed the street, looking into the glass window of the window of the small building to see Casey and April basically eat each other faces, you were in complete shock not knowing what to do. You speed walked to the pizza place, bragging through the door and walking over to the table.

"How could you!" You asked, holding back a thousand years. Casey pulled away from April, "I'm so sorry babe." Casey said standing up and walking towards you. You placed your hands on your hips, "Save it Casey, we're over." You said before turning on your heels and storming out of the restaurant, allowing the million tears you were hikding back to pour out of (e/c) eyes.

~Back to Current Time~

You contuied to walk, replaying the seen over and over again in your head, only causing your salty tears to fall faster and faster. You looked down an ally, seeing a shadowy figure in the shadows with its hand in its head and knees curled up to their chest. You quickly wiped your tears and took a deep breath, wanting to help whoever this person was, heck maybe it would make you feel better by making this person happy.

"Are you okay?" You asked, you voice sounding weak as you walked over to the dark figure, not being able to make out anything but the brown eyes that had a tint of red of the person tat sat in tye shadows. The person looked up at you, sniffling and wiping their eyes with their rather large hand. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He said, before is voice broke into tears yet again.

You crouched down to the figure, "Are you sure you kinda crying." You said the corners of you mouth pointing downwards.

The guys gave a weak chuckle, "It's just that my girlfreind." He sniffled then contuied speaking, "I caught her cheating in me." He said sniffling. You felt a tears roll down your face, "The same thing just happened to me." You said tears filling up your tear (e/c) eyes and falling down your cheek, with each one starting to fall faster and faster.

"Well whoever she is shes is a jerk."You said, trying to hide the sadness you felt behind a layer of fake happiness. The figure chuckled, "I'm Donatello." He said.

You nodded, "Donatello, the Italian Renaissance artsit." You thought yourself before giving your name, "(y/n)." You said.

The Donatello stood up, "I need to get goung, my brothers will be looking for me." He said. You nodded, "Okay Donatello, I hope we see each other again." You said, another tears running down your face. "Maybe, but I don't know if that's actually a good idea." He said as you noticed his mahogany eyes sadden even more then what they were.

"Why not?" You asked stadium up as well. "It's gard to explain, good bye." He said before rushing to the fire escape.

You nodded before whispering, "Bye." Then turning to walk to your house.

My fist story in here, what do you think? If you have any recommendations feel free to tell me!

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