They're Not Mine..

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Y/n"s Pov:

You felt like crap, it was just yesterday that you found you boyfriend, Casey Jones, and April O'Neil at that pizza parlor. You felt like your heart had gotten run into by a ten ton truck. But there was a single good thing that had came out of this, you had met Donatello. You really wanted to see him again, even though he said that it wasn't a good idea, which you still did not understand why. You had eventually gotten tired of sitting on your bed in your room so you walked out onto the fire escape. Your (h/c) hair up in a messy bun, wearing grey sweatpants and (f/c) sweatshirt. You rested your elbows on the clod metal railing of the rooftop as you felt a cool breeze on your tear stained face. You looked down at the streets below, seeing the red head her self with Casey next to her.

You saw Casey laugh, as if he had forgotten all about you, seeing this didn't help you at all in fact it made you feel worse. You had recently thought that you had cried all your tears, but the tears that fell from your eyes proved you to be wrong. You quickly climbed back through the window and closed it, not wanting to see anymore you quickly closed the window. You then turned on your Ipod (If you don't have one you do in this story XD ) and turned on some music, getting lost in your own thoughts, "Why did Casey do that to me?" You asked yourslfe, looking up at the celing as tears fell down the sides of your face, "Was it my fault, did I case him to do that? Maybe I wasn't enough from him, am I enough for anyone?" You asked yourself in the form as tears fell faster and faster.

Donatello's Pov:

The lab. The lab was where I was, I hadn't left since last night, I haven't slept or eaten, everything I did reminded me of her. They way she smiled, they way she laugued, I just missed everything about her. I especially missed calling her mine, but now she's not, she didn't love me, but I would do anything for her too.

As I thought I typed various codes mindlessly into the computer, my face was showing no emotion and the only thing I could hear was the sound of my own thought scrambling around in my brain. "Maybe I'm the reason she likes Casey and nor me, maybe I'm not good enough for her, or anyone, maybe I'm just a hopeless mutant freack who should give up on finding love and just except the fact that no one ever will." This caused tears to stream hopelessly down my face, "Why did this have to happen to me?"

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