Just Tell Him Already!

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You shook you head, "Mikey there's no way I'm doing that! I can't tell him do you no what will happen! What if things go back to the way they were! I can't do that!" You said hysterically.

"You guys are basically already married, your making to big if a deal outta nothin' dudette," Mikey said with a small laugh as he playfully teased you. You blushed a light pink.

"No were not! How do you even know he's ready for that yet! I'm not doing it that's plan and simple!" You said crossing your arms with stubbornness.

"Do what?" Raphael asked as he stepped into the kitchen his usual grumpy expression.

"I'm trying to get this dudette to make this official with her and Don, but she's being almost as stubborn as you," Mikey said with a small pouty face.

Raph rolled his bright green eyes, "For once the idiot has a point, do it," He said as he opened the fridge and grabbed a can off pop before closing it with his foot.

"But what if he's not ready for a relationship yet, I mean after April and stuff that has to leave some scars behind," You said leaning against the counter.

"Whatever die forever alone see if I care," Raph said as he walked off.

"Whatever Raph," You said in response, rolling your e/c eyes.

"Y/n! Please, please, please, please, pleaaaaase!" Mikey begged, using his puppy eyes as he did so. You sighed in defeat.

"Fine, sure, whatever I'll do it," You said as you pressed the door that lead to the kitchen open with your back then made your way to the lab and Mikey cheered by himself. You slowed your steps procrastinating as you didn't want to go into the lab. Reaching the door you took a deep breath, your heart pounding rapidly against your chest as you knocked.

"Come in!" Donnie's voice called form the other side of the door. You pushed the door open, looking around the lab. The last time you were in here everything was so dull, and depressing. Now everything was working, and it held a lighter atmosphere. Donnie looked up from his work, slipping off the goggles and looking up at you.

"Oh, it's you, what's up?"

"Well er, I just came to talk and stuff, ya know, all that fun stuff," You rubbed the back of your neck, sitting in a chair that was open, you face turning red. You were already stumbling over your words this won't turn out well at all.

"Okay. You have to put on these since I'm working with dangerous chemicals," He said throwing you your own pair of goggles, which you caught and slipped on. Moments of science went by, you watched while Donnie worked. Searching for the words to say you finally started to talk.

"Don, do you have like... a crush on anyone?" This caught Donnie's attention.

"Well.. I do, but I don't think she would really like me back, so I've never acted on it," He responded, blushing himself.

"Oh. Well..." Just blurt it out. You can do it! "DonnieIreallylikeyoubutIdon'tknowifyourreadyforanotherrelationshipbutMickeysaidIshouldtellyousoIamandit'sreallyscary!" You blurted out. The room went dead silent. You saw a smile rise on his face, then a soft chuckle escape his lips.

"Y/n I... I like you too." You immediately tackled him in a hug, placing a quick, short kiss on his lips, causing Don to blush even darker.

And you both lived happily ever after... for now..... :)


Okay so that's the last chapter for this book. There could be a next one I'm not really sure XD I have an idea for one but idk if I'll do it. Hope you enjoyed!!

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