That's You?

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Y/n Pov:

   Your friend, (f/n) had convinced you to finally get out of your stuffy room that you had been in since April and Casey thing happened, though you were still sad you agreed, knowing that she/he would never leave you alone if you didn't go out with them and the rest of your friends.  You had to be out of your house and at the mall by so you quickly slipped on (f/c) t-shirt and a pair of dark blue pair of jeans. Then grabbed a pair of black converse, pulling them onto you feet and tying the laces. You grabbed your pgone, slipping into the back pokey of your jeans and the walkig out of your room.

                 ~Le time skip~ 

  You had to admit, hanging out with you group of close friends was fun, it had gotten you mind off of the whole Casey thing. "I guess (f/n) was right, maybe I should stop dwelling on this." You thought as you turned into one of the several dark ally ways of New York, you were so busy thinking that you didn't notice that three men had followed you in. You looked around, realizing that you had not walked into the right ally, so you turned around seeing the three men standing in front of you lined up, "Umm, hello." You said starting to feel nervous by their presence. You looked over all if them, each had a huge purple dragon tattoo covering their arms, "Purple Dragons." You whispered to yourself.

  The guys continued walking closer and closer to you, the look in their eyes sent shivered down your spine, "If you don't stop right there I will attack." You said, trying not to let the fear in your voice show, 'Oh, but what is a little girl like you going to do to us?" One of the men asked as he pushed you against the brick wall. His face was right in front of you, you could feel the heat of his breath going down you neck, you started to treble in fear, "Please stop." You squeak as tears weld in you eyes, the men was reaching for your shirt and started pulling it up, but before he could succeed in taking it fully off, four mutant turtle jumped down, the man that was holding you against the wall looked back, fear showing in his eyes, as they were as big as saucers. He looked over at the other two who were trembling in fear then ran off, the other two following him.

   You looked at the four turtles, you looked at the one with the purple mask, he was tall, he had redish brown eyes that in you option were perfect.  His eyes reminded you of that night, they were the same color as the ones you saw that night, "Donatello?" You asked tilting you head slightly, the turtle gave a gapped tooth smile, that was adorable you felt a small amount of heat spread a crossed your face, "Umm, yeah, it's me." He said rubbing the back of his neck and blushing.  You smiled, "Donnie, how do you know this chick?" A short turtle with bright green eyes and a red mask asked, "I have a name." You said crossing your arms.

   "And what would that be miss?" A turtle that was a about your height who had a dark blue masked and a pair of blue eyes to match asked. (sorry if you not that tall, in this story you are XD)   "My name is (y/n)" You said, "I want to thank you for helping me." You said.

  "No problem dudette, I'm Michelangelo, but please call me Mikey!" A turtle that was about as tall as the one with the red mask asked, he had big baby blue eyes and freckles under them, he looked like he was the youngest out of the four. "I am Leonardo, but I prefer Leo, and that is my brother Raphael, or Raph." He said giving a friendly smile.

  "So Donnie, how's the whole girlfriend situation going?" You asked, you wanted to make sure that he wasn't as sad about it as he was the night a couple weeks ago, his three brothers gave you the, you shouldn't have asked about that look. Donnie face went to immediate frown, tears starting to well up in his beautiful eyes, they began to fall, leaving you to instantly feel bad for asking.

  "I'm so sorry I asked." You said apologizing quickly running over and hugging him. He hugged back, bring one of his arms up and wiping a tears away from them, "No, no it's okay." He said, "She just sid somethings and I'm not really over her yet." He said.

  "Donnie, were going down to the lair, come down when your ready." Leo said giving his brother a sympathetic smile, he nodded. "Okay." He said quietly.   "So is this why you didn't want me to see you agian?" you asked, wanting to change the subject, Donnie swallowed, "I was sacred that I would scare you off, since I'm just a huge mutant freak."   Donnie said, replaying the words that April had said to him. "Your not a freak." You said looking up at him. Donnie gave a weak smile, you smiled back. "Thank you." He said, "No problem." You said. 

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