Why Does The Truth Hurt So Much

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You sat in Donnie's lab, you text book sitting on the desk top in fornt of you. Though you weren't paying much attention to the work you had to do. You mostly just used that as an excuse to sit in the lab and talk to Donnie for a while.

"Yeah, and then he had huge zits covering his face, it was gross," Donnie said, a gapped toothed smile plastered on his face. The one you so depsretly loved.

You crinkled up your nose, "Ewwww," You said a image of Mikey covered with HUGE green zits cover his whole body popping into your mind. Donnie was telling you this story about when Mikey had sprinkled a reject batch of retro mutagen on himslef because when tight it would make him cooler.

"Yeah, it's crazy what we have-" Donnie had gotten cut off by his phone ringing, "Sorry, let me get this," He siad. You nodded and turned back to your homework to actually get some work done.

Donatello's Pov:

I pulled my T-phone out of my belt and looked at who was calling me, it was April. I quickly picked up the call.


"Hi Don-Don," April said, she sounded so, fake, like she was putting on an act for me or soemthing.

"Hey April, what's up?" I asked, I really rather be talking to Y/n, but I decided not to be rude.

"Well you see, I was wondering of ya wanted to maybe get some pizza some time or take a walk on the park, ya know like we used to." April said. I raised an eyebrow, amd tight carefully before I spoke.

"April, I honestly don't think that's a good idea, I don't think I could ever trust you again after what you did," I said, hoping not to offended her that much.

"YOU KNOW WHAT FINE WHATEVER! I DON'T NEED A WORTHLESS, FREACK LIKE YOU ANYWAS! I DON'T KNOW WHY J EVEN DATED YOU! I NEVER EVEN LOVED YOU! AND NO ONE EVERY WILL BE A USE YOUR A USELESS, WORTHLESS, UGLY FREACK!" She yelled, her word all rain through my brain, each one sending another level of hurt. I held back tears by biting my lip, and with that she hung up, leaving a silence in the air. I swallowed, I didn't want to wrry Y/n I really didn't want to get her involved in all this.

"Who was that?" Y/n asked turned towards me with her bright smile and e/c eyes.

"It was April, she just wanted to call and talk but I told her I was busy," I said, speaking te first lie that popped into my head. Y/n nodded.

- Time Skip -

I layer in my bed, my pillow was wet from tears, my body felt achy all over, my eyes stung from crying so much and my head was punding.

'She was telling the truth wasn't she, she was telling me what she had felt alk those months,' I tight more tears welled up in my eyes and started streaming down my face.

'Why does the truth hurt so much?'


Sorry this chapter is so short! The next one will hopefully be longer! :)

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