Revenge Is Sweet, Huh?

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You walked down the hallway of your school. Walking quickly to your locker. Not wanting any attention. But because of last night, you had more confidence, of April or anyone else tried soemthing you would fight back. You were going to let them walk all over you anymore. You took a deep breath as you put in your combination, trying to calm your nerves.

Then you heard a loud thump agast the locker behind you, you turned there was a large hand on the left if you, your locker door slammed shut. You followed the arm up to the person's face.

It was a dark, chocolate, brown, curly haired boy that had hazel eyes, but green was more dominant in them. He had a kind smile. His skin was a tanner color. The face seemed so fimilar. You thought for a second. "Noah?" You asked. I chuckled slightly and hugged you, you gladly hugged back. He was you best freind when you lived in California. And I guess once you told him iver the phone about Casey and stuff he decided to fly up or soemthing.

"What are you doing here?" You asked pulling away.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright," He said.

You nodded, "Oh, yeah I'm fine," You said with a small smile.


"So, did you and your family move here, or are you just visiting?" You aksed as you re-opened you locker, pulling out your science text book, notebook, folder, and a pencil.

"We moved here. My mom just got a new job up here," He said with a small nod.

"Oh, cool!" You siad cheerfully, at least you would have one more friend in this school who hadn't completely turned against you.

Noah nodded and he started walking down the hallyway. You closed your locker, "So what your first class?" You asked.

"I have science," He responded. Lots of whispers saying stuff like. 'Oh my gosh he's so hot' and things like that but it seemed like Noah was ignoring them.

You smiled, "Me too," You said then walked into the classroom.

- Time Skip: Lunch -

You held your tray with a hamburger and salad, with a bottle of water as you walked to the table you normally sat at alone, or with a few of the other misfits who didn't sit with the rest of the crowd. Noah followed you. As you walked a hand came up underneath your tray and slammed it up onto you face, your open water drenching you clothes. Lettuce in your hair and the mustard form you hamburger making a huge yellow stain on your white shirt. You growled and turned around.

Of course it was the royal pain in the butt who had made your life for the past week a living hell, you took a deep breath and stomped towards her.

"What the hell is your problem with me?! What did I ever fucking do to you?!" You yelled, for the first time since all of this happened you were actually standing up for yourself.

"You know what you did bitch!" April responded, a even smirk lying in her lips.

"What kiss your boyfriend?! Last time I fucking checked it was you who did that to me wasn't it?" You siad pinging a finger at her. She was taken back a bit, normally you didn't fight back.

"N-no, that wasn't me! Your the one who stole Donnie from me!" She said. You rolled your eyes.

"You messed that up when you cheated on him, so I didn't have to "steal" him from you because he wasn't even yours," You snapped back.

"Whatever, your still a worthless slut," She said crossing her arms.

A small smile appeared on your face as anger coursed through you blood. You quickly raised your fist and punched her right in the noise. Blodd immediately started gushing from her nose.

"Don't you ever say that, or there will be more!" You said as a teacher ran to you two. A teacher grabbed your wrist, sending a stinging pain up your arm.

"Your coming to the office right now Y/n L/n!" Said the blonde, middle aged women. All you could do was smile as the who me lunch rooms attention was on you. Almost everyone was cheering, only a few of April's friends were helping April who was flipping out. You honestly didn't care how much trouble you got into, you stood up for yourself, that's all that matters right.

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