Tell the Truth...

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Donatello's Pov:

I climbed onto the roof, and followed (y/n) home, making sure that she made it home unharmed. Which she did, once I saw her open the door to her home I dessended down to the ally, pulling the heavy manhole cover and climbing down into the sewers below as a tear slid down my face, "How could she do that to me?" I whispered to myself.

As I walked down the sewers I tried to make sure that I didn't come off sad, I didn't want to worry my family with my silly problems so I whipped the tears away, taking a deep breath before walking into the lair. I saw April chatting with Mikey, laughing at one of his stupid jokes as she tuned to me.

"Oh, hey Don." April said, greeting me with a peck on the lips and a hug, "Where were you, I asked you to pick me up." She said looking up at me.

"Tell me the truth." I said as I looked down at her, my eyes clearly showing that I was hurt. April gave a confused look, "What do you mean, tell me the truth?" She asked tilting her head slightly. "About Casey." I responded, trying to not let the tears that were welling up in my eyes fall, but know that I had failed as one slid down my cheek, followed by more.

April thought for a second then spoke, "What about Casey?" She asked innocently. "You know what I'm taking about April!" I yelled, it was a rarity for me to get mad, but this wasn't something that I took lightly at all, I have had feelings for this girl for three years, and seeing her with that black haired idoit killed me inside.

April back up, "How did you know about that!" She yelled, I looked at my brothers reactions to the whole scenario, Mikey's was ridden with confusion, I could tell that Leo was shocked, and Raph watched without any expression showing. "I went to come and pick you up, I saw through the windows." I said, "Well it wasn't what it looked like." April tried to protest, even though I knew the truth.

"Not what it looked like, do you think I'm some kind of idiot!" I asked, anger coursing through my veins, April rolled her eyes, "You know what Donnie, I'm done with this carp, I never want to see you nor your freaky brothers again!" She yelled before storming out of the lair and into the sewers.

I ran to my lab, tears falling swiftly down my face as I opened the door. I picked up my tool box and started working, without words as I cried.

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