The Answers

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Y/n's Pov:

You sat with Donnie's arms wrapped around you for hours. You both had a million thoughts going through you heads, but neater if you said a word.

You looked down at his arm, seeing the red lines alarmed you, a lot.

"Donnie, what happened to your arm?" You asked, completely considered. Though you a already knew what happen, the lines matched the ones hidden beneath your clothing.

You felt Donnie tense up, "I-I was messing with, with my bo-staff, and the blade popped up and cut me a few times," He responded.

You pulled looked at both of his arms that were covered up and down in cuts, "Are you sure that's what happened?" You asked, wanting to see if you could get him to tell the truth.

Donnie bit his lip and looked away at the ground, he slowly shook his head as a tear feel to the roof top concrete.

"Donnie, please don't do that, it's terrible. You shouldn't be doing it, you have so many people who love and care for you. I understand that it's hard, but it'll get better. Becasue with every storm there's a rainbow," You said. It was strange giving advice to someone when you yourself don't follow it.

More tears and scilence followed. Untill Donnie broke it, "Then why did you attempt suicide?" He asked, you could tell it was hard for him to say those words, he was trying so hard not to brist into tears and sobs.

Your eyes began to well up, "Because, don't worry about it though, we're talking about you." You said softly, your vison was blurry as thoughts if the reason you stood at that ledge, almost falling to your death.

Donnie shook his head, "But what of the rainbow never comes and forever you just sit in a storm with darkness and rain forever," He paused and wiped tears away, " What if? What if no one really cares? What if no one loves me? Who would love a freack like me? Someone who was good enough so their girlfriend had to resort to cheating on me? What do you say to to them? The ones that are more in a tornado then a thunderstorm?"

Tears slowly streamed down your cheeks, um for once you had nothing sweet or inspirational to say like you normally did. You were just so lost and broken that you didn't know what to say.

Donatello's Pov:

I knew it was a bad idea to say anything, I should have kept it tucked away like always. I starred down at the cement, tears rolling down my cheeks. I noticed a cut on Y/n's arm, on that matched the ones that covered my ams. I gently grabbed her arm and pulled back the grey sleeve if her sweat shirt she was wearing. Exposing all if the cuts.

She quickly pulled dher arm away and pulled down her sleeve.

"Why?" I asked, I felt a lump in my troat. It scared me to know she was doing this. That whole month was most likely a living hell, and the whole time I sat in my lab and never paid her a visit it, I could have help, I could ahve stopped it form getting this far.

"I don't know," Y/n said starting at the ground.

"Why?" I aksed once again.

"I don't know. Why do people beat me up everyday? Why do they say I'm worthless? Why am I the one being called a slut? Why am I the bitch? Why can't I just be left alone? Why does it hurt so much? Why do I beleive them? Why don't they stop?"

"They. Who's they?" I asked. Whoever this was, they was, they wouldn't be breathing much longer.

"A-april, and, and other people," She said quietly. Tears streaming down my face. I nodded. Anger rushed through my veins. April, she was dead. We sat in scilence for a few moments.

"Y/n, it's late, you should get some sleep," I said, scooping her up in my arms bridal style then started walking to the fire escape.

"No I'm fine," Y/n protested.

"Just trust me on this, your tired," I said as I walked down the stairs and climbed through the window. She looked at me confused.

"Okay?" She said in a questionable tone as I laid her on her bed. She got under her blankets and I turned to leave.

"Don wait," She said just as I started to step out of the window. I turned around and walked back. She quickly sat up and gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

"Thank you," She whispered then kissed my cheek. Do I know what she was saying thankful for, no, but I wasn't going to bait her to ask. I stepped out if her window.

"Goodnight, I-" I stopped, taking back what I was about to say, "I'll see you tomorrow."


This will probaly be the last update till the weekend sadly :( but what'd ya think should April be beaten to a pulp?

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