Talking with Splinter

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Y/n Pov:

After you got done with your melt down, cleaned you face up and cheered up quite a bit you returned to the livingroom. You watched as Leo sighed as his shell leaned against the wooden door blocking the entrance to the lair.

"Master Splinter wants to talk to you," He said pointing to the door with his thumb. You nodded.

"What for?" You asked.

"You'll see," He responded opening the door. You wondered what thsi was all about, but I guess you'll find out in a few moments. You hoped taht you weren't going to get kicked out of the lair or anything, that would be terrible. Or if you got them in trouble some how.

You, now nervous, walked towards the turtle's father who was sitting on a mat in front of a small table, tea cups and a pot rested on top of a tan, elagant looking table cloth. He had a warm smile, like always. He always gave off the father like feeling you didn't have since your dad dissappear when you were only 3, but it wasn't that big of a deal, you never knew him, so there wasn't much to lose really, but if you could you would meet him.

"Please sit Mrs. L/n," Splinter said with his thick Japanese accent.

"It's just Y/n please," You said with a smile, you hated the Mrs. thing, it made you feel like am old women.

"Okay Mrs. Y/n, please take a seat," He said, you nodded and sat on the other pillow thing (idk what that's called).

"Would you like tea?" Splinter asked.

You shook your head, you weren't a fan of tea, I'm your opinion coffee was better, "No thank you Sir," You said politely.

"Please call me Splinter," He said.

You nodded, "Will do," You said with a cheerful smile, "So, um what did you want me for exactly?"

Splinter stood up and store his beard, "Well, I have noticed this incredible strength, though it is not on the outside it's on the inside. As well as you compassion, and ability to help others at anytime. I think that these traits are need for someone to become a kunichi, as well as the ability to hide fear, so, I would like to train you to become a kunichi, I would like you to patrol and go on missions with my sons. Though it will take some time to get you there, and that is of course that is if you would like to be trained."

You smiled, "Of course I would! That would be awesome! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You yelled and ran up hugging Splinter who chuckled and hugged you back.

"Good, your training starts tomorrow at 6 o'clock, I believe in you, my daughter," He said with a small smile, his hands resting on your shoulders. You smiled and nodded.

"I won't let you down," You said with a feeling of determination flowing through you, you were going to be the best kunichi anyone has seen. That was your goal.

"I know you won't," He said. You then chatted for a few moments before you left. You found yourself sitting in the couch watching tv with everyone in the lair except Splinter. You phone went off and you pulled it out of your pocket. You had got a text message from Noah.

Noah: R we still doing this thing?

You: Yes, meet me at my house

Noah: Kk see ya in a bit

Donnie looked at you, "Who's Naih and what are you guys going to do?" He asked, you could here the defense in his voice, he was clearly jealous.

"Donnie chill out, it an old freind from California, and he wanted me to show him around the town," You explained calmly.

Donnie nodded, "Okay, well bye then I guess," He said.

You nodded and smiled, "Yep, see ya later," You said then left to get to your house hoping Donnie wasn't to mad at you. And he didn't really have a reason to, after all, you guys hadn't even gone on a date, nor have you made it "official". But it wasn't like you liked Noah, so ether way it was no big deal.

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