The Only Way To Happy..

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Y/n's Pov:

You sat in the bathroom stall tears streaming down you face as the memories replayed. 'Why did she do that, what did I do to her? Why does everyone think it was me who did that? Why do they believe her?'

False back...

You walked down the halls whispered and stares followed you as you walk down.

"Yeah, she's a huge slut, I can't believe she would do that with April's boyfreind," One if the voices of a blonde haired girl said.

"Yeah she's a total bitch," A burnette whispered. You bit your lip and tried to ignore them. You had gotten lost in your own thoughts, the more you thought the more you wanted to run, the more you wanted to cry.

You heard the slam of text books hitting the ground. They were yours, you looked up. A shaggy brown haired boy who had bright blue eyes had slapped them down. A red head named April O'Neil stood next to him with a smirk. You starred at them for a few seconds.

"Uhhh, W-why did you-" You felt a hard hitting impact on the right side of your face, you fell to the ground.

"Bitch!" Gavin yelled, kicking you in your stomach repatedly. He then pulled you up by you f/c t-shirt and pushed you against the lockers, slamming the back of your head. A ringing started. Then there was a punch to your face.

"Worthless!" With each if these words came a punch, a kick, whatever they could do to inflict pain.

Flash back over:

You let out a sob, followed by many. It hit to cry, you had bruises up and down you sides, a black eye, blood dripping from your nose. And a huge headache. More tears streamed down your face as you held you sides. More sobs followed.

Donatello's Pov: (One Month Later)


'You got me shaking cause of the way your talking....' I rehearsed the first lyric to the sing Sarcasm by Get Scared. The words that April had said to me time and time again coursed through my head.

'My heart is breaking but there's no use crying,' I don't think I can do this much longer... It's to hard, I can't take it anymore!

'What a cyanide suprise you left have left for my eyes," Tears welled up on my eyes, "P-please make it stop," I whispered to nothing but the darkness.

'If I had common sense I'd cut my self or curl up an die," I gently glided my fingers against the cuts and scars that covered my for arm. It stung, but it felt comforting.

'Sticks and stones could breack my bones but anything you said will only fuel my lungs,"

"I-I can't do it! I can't fake this anymore! I just give up! She's right! No one loves me! No one! No one cares! I'm too worthless to love! I'm such a freack! I can't do it!" I yelled. I knew no one would here me, they were all on patrol, I stayed home taht night.

I need a way out. I needed a escape. I stood up off of my bed. It wasn't going to get better. I was living a nightmare, and it never seemed to end. No matter what happened, no matter how hard I try to escape, I never will. I walked to the door and unlocked it. The click broke the deadly scilence that surrounded me. I then opened the door and ran out before sensei could see or hear me. This needed to happen, this was the only way to finally be free, to be happy.....

Beware of Broken Hearts (Donatello x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now