Meeting Again..

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Donatello's Pov:

  "So how do you know her again?" Raph asked as we sat on the couch, my brothers have lertaily done everything to keep me out of my lab, so I just gave up trying, so I am no sitting on the couch as Leo watches Space Heroes, with Mikey and Raph bickering like always. But he had managed to ignore Mikey to ask that question. "She was walking home, and I was in an ally, she heard me and came to talk to me." I said, leaving out most if the details. "Ohhhh, and she didn't run away when she saw you, even though we're like mutant and stuff!" Mikey said as he laid on the couch upside down. I just nodded. "She couldn't see me the first time." I explained.

  (Y/n) Pov:

  'He's a mutant turtle.' You thought as walked through the halls of the school looking down at the ground. You walled up to your locker, putting in the combination and opening it. You reached in and grabbed your, (f/c) backpack and slung it around you shoulder. Once some people past you walked down the hall, still looking down at the ground. You felt someone bumped into, you looked up and turned around. Seeing the all to fimilar face of Casey Jones. He turned around as well seeing you.

"Oh, sorry (y/n)." Casey said.

"N-no i-it's okay." You said quietly the turned around and rushed out of the building before the water works started once again, you thought that you were over him, but now was proving other wise.

Donatello's Pov:

~ An Hour Later ~

Stuff was actually going pretty well, my brothers were getting along, and we were having a good time, I had almost competely forget about April, but not interly, she was still lingering in my thoughts. Mikey was in the middle of doing a joke, that was actually kinda of funny, when Casey walked onto the lair, just Casey, his hands in the pockets of his black, sleeveless hoodie. I felt the anger rushing through me, I stood up from the couch, and ran at him, I had no control over my actions, I punched him, right in the face, hard.

  "YOU!! IT'S YOUR FAULT!! YOU MADE HER LEAVE ME!!" I yelled, punching him again. Leo stood up from the coych, running at me, grabbing my fist before I could punch the idoit.

  "I DIDN'T MAKE HER!! SHE OBVIOUSLY HAS FIGURED OUT THAT YOUR JUST A WORTHLESS GEEK!!" Casey yelled, the others had ran to my side, Raph was heated with anger. While I was frozen, I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, 'W-worthless..' I reaped his words in NY mind, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I was lost in my own thoughts, before I heard another punch being thrown, this time by Raph. "GET OUT! NOW!" He yelled, "BEFORE I DO IT AGAIN!!"

  Without another word he ran out of the lair, a bloody nose, huge bruises, and a huge lip. "I-I'm going back to my lab." I said quitely, walking off, ignoring Mikey begging me to stay.

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