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You walked quietly down the hallway towards you first class, (favorite subject), you held your large text book in your hands. You starred at the ground as you walked, (freinds name) wasn't here yet, she was almost always late so you didn't really have anyone to talk to.

"Hey (nickname), how have ya been?" You heard a voice call to you. You looked up, you already knew who it was, Casey was the only one who called you (mickname).

"Hey Casey, I've been good," You said with a small smile.

"Haven't talked in a while huh?" Casey said with his smile.

"Yeah I guess," You said as you contuied walking down the hall. 'Well maybe if you did kiss April we would have been talking huh," You thought.

"Look, (nickname), I'm sorry," Casey said, he looked at you.

"Well if you were goung to be sorry why did you do it in the first place?" You muttered under your breath hoping he could hear you.

"I-I don't know, I made a stupid mistake, I'm sorry, I really sorry," Casey said, he sounded genuine, you looked up at him, he had tears forming in his eyes, 'I guess he is sorry,'

"All I want is for you to forgive me, nothing more, I just want to be at least friends," Casey said. You nodded.

"That's okay I guess," You said with a small smile, before you knew it you were being picked up in a, tight hug. You giggled while from a crossed the hall April gave you a look that could kill.

Donatello's Pov:

I sat in my lab, starring at the small yet sharp scalpel sitting on a metal pan in front of me. It was tempting, it was way to tempting.

'Would it help like they say it does?' I thought starting down at my arm. I picked up the scalpel, holding it shakingly above my arm. 'Should I?' I thought. Half of me said yes, your a freack, a nerdy, worthless freack! But the other half, the one who knew what selfharm can do to a person, said no.

I sat there for a few moments before I finally did it, I pressed the blade to my skin and made a straight long horizontally a crossed my arm. Blood started to drip from the wound. I had a small smile as tears streamed down my face. The pain, it felt good. It felt good to finally get what I deserved.

I quickly grabbed a peice of paper towel and lightly dabbed the cut, staining the white red. I picked up the scalpel again, making 6 more cuts on my wrist. I walked to my first aid kit and grabbed bandages, wrapping my arm up.

If my bothers asked why I had my arm bandage up I would say that I had gotten a burn from some chemicals. They would beleive that. I quickly threw away the paper towel that was cubed with blood, put the scalpel back into the tray where I found it. I looked at my arm, a sense of relief had taken over, though I knew it wouldn't last long.


Okay, so to start off I do not support selfharm in anyway shape or form. I did it in the past and I've been almost a month clean, and it is such a relief. There is much better ways to find relief then making cuts on your arms/thighs where ever you harm you self. Soemthing that I always do when I feel the urge is draw or writ, it distracts me from my head and eventually the urge will pass. And if you need to talk someone I'm always here! :)

Beware of Broken Hearts (Donatello x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now