To The Lair

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   Y/n Pov:

You sat on the cold, hard metal of you fire escape. It's been a week, one whole week since you saw them at that pizza parlor. You didn't think it could get any better, the sadness was still lingering behind you, amd you just didn't know how to deal with it. You looked blankly at the wall of another apartment building, thoughts springing around your mind. Untill a 'psst' from above you broke you away from them, thankfully. You mind was becoming a war zone, but it was one taht you could not escape. You looked up, you e/c eyes meeting a pair of big blue eyes. That was umm, Mikey right? The younger, super cheerfully brother of Donnie. "Oh hey." You said weakly. Mikey had a cheerful grin, "Dudette, you gotta come up here." He said. You nodded, "Why?" You asked, standing up and brushing of the dust.

    "Because, Donnie's up here duh!" Mikey said cheerfully, "And plus he really likes you." He said. You blushed slightly and nodded, "M'kay." You said before climbing up the fire escape, leading to the open rooftop. You looked at tge four turtles. Donnie was starting blankly at the ground, his eyes red and puffy, and a frown on his face. Leo was looking over the city. And Raph was slapping Mikey in the back of the head, "We weren't supposed to be seen by anyone ya dip head." He said before returning to his previous state of his arms being crossed and him leaning on the door behind him.

  You smiled weakly, "So, uh, how are you guys?" You asked quitely, not knowing what else to say.

  "Good, for the most part." Leo said, a kind smile painted on his face. 'I wish I could say the same' You thought as he spoke.

  "Totally awesome dudette!" Mikey said cheerfully.

  "I'm surrounded by idoits." Raph muttered under his breath.

  You turned to Donnie, waiting for his answer, even of it might be bad,or a lie, who knows.

  He looked up you, "I'm fine." He said, his words said he was okay, but his face was telling you otherwise. You debated weather you should mess with the lie, but you didn't want to have another night like the one before.

  "How about you?" Leo asked.

  "I'm good." You said, sticking a smile one you face and nodding.

  "Good." Leo said with a smile, "Right now we're on patrol, but we'll be going down to the lair in a couple of minutes, would you like to join?" He asked.

  You nodded, "Sure." You said, the fake smile still lying to everyone around you.

   "Yay! Lets go dudette, we can eat pizza, and play video games, and play with icecream kitty, and and." "She gets it Mikey." Raph interrupted, pushing past him.

  You watched as everyone one climbed down the fire escape, you looked to Donnie who was slowly making his way to the fire escape. He jumped down, you followed behind.

  Leo reached down and pulled up the manhole cover. You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry, we probaly should have warned you, we live in the sewers." He said as jumped down, followed by Raph, Mikey, and then yourself. Donnie closed the manhole cover and then jumped down. You looked around the gross, smelly sewers. You wrinkled up your noise to the oder, losing the four as you looked around. Seeing that they had left you behind you quickly ran up to them, not wanting to get lost in the sewers. After ten minutes of running you finally reached what, you believed, was the lair. You walked in and looked around, everything seemed pretty normal, there was a couch, a tv, kitchen, it was basically a normal house, just in the sewers. And luck the smell wasn't all that bad here.

   Before anyone could convice Donnie to stay out of is stuffy, messy lab, he left, locking himslef away.

  Donnie's Pov:

'I don't think I can do it anymore, I want out, I want to get away. Why do I feel like this, why can't it all just go away, why can't I go back to the way it used to be, why?!' I sat down in my chair, wheeling over to my desk I sat down, then began starring blankly at tge wall in front of me, tears welling up in my eyes, 'please make it stop, make it go away.' I thought, as her words along with Casey replayed in my mind, 'Freak, worthless, freak, worthless' If anything was to kill me it would be my own thoughts at tge moment.

  Your Pov:

You watched as Donnie closed the door, "Is he okay? He didn't look well at all." You said, turning to Leo.

  "He says he is, but I don't think he is." He said, "But he won't let us in enough to help him." You slowly nodded, understanding what he was going through, everything.

  "M-maybe I could try." You said.

  Raph shook his head, "He's not going to let you in if he hasn't let us in." He said.

"But it's always worth a shot." You said before walking up to the door. You knocked lightly on the door, but there was no answer. You knocked again, this time a little harder. You knocked repeatedly untill Donnie yelled something, "Mikey! Go on! I'm not coming out!" He yelled, a soft sob afterwards.

  "It's not Mikey, it's y/n, can I please come in." You asked pressing your ear against the door. After a couple minutes of scilence.  The door was unlocked, you took that as a sign that you could come in and the door nob, pushing the door open and stepping in, then closing the door behind you self.

  "Donnie? Are you okay." You asked walking deeper into the dimly lit lab.

  "I'm fine." Donnie said weekly from his chair.

  "Are you sure?" You asked sitting in the wheel chair in front of it.

  Donnie shook his head, "No! I'm not, I'm not okay." He said his voice breaking and tears falling down his face rapidly. "I'm worthless, I'm a freack, I don't deserve anyone. I-I can't take it anymore, I can't. It hurts, it hurts to much! I can't take it anymore!" He said tears streaming down both of your faces. Everything he said, every single word it hit you hard.  You nodded slowly, closing your eyes. You both sat there in front of each other crying, then you decided to say something.

  "But ya' know, with every storm there's a rainbow.."

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