Not Again

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Y/n Pov:

  You walked down the street your  headphones in your  ears listening to the music as walked towards the manhole cover. You lifted it up, but just barely enough so that you could get down and into the sewers. You quickly pulled the lid back down and starting desending into the dark, smelly sewers. You cringed as you climbed down, 'Gross' you thought as you placed your foot on the ground, wiping your hands on your jeans. You carefully walked down the tunnel, being careful not to splash any gross water as you walked. It strange how much your life has changed, coming down to the sewers almost everyday after school to hang out with mutant turtles. And if you hadn't met Don, who knows what you would be like. So even though that was the hardest breakup you had ever been in, you wouldn't change it for the world.

  After a couple minutes of walking and thinking you finally made it to the lair, your home away from home.

  "Hey guys!" You said with a cheerful smile.

  "Y/N!!" Mikey yelled excitedly and ran up to you. Crushing you in a huge bear hug.

   "Mikey, air, is, needed."

   Mikey smiled, "Oh right, sorry dudette." He said as he put you down, allowing you to breathe again.

   "Your fine." You said with a smile, your straightened out your  f/c sweatshirt you were wearing and proceed into the lair. You turned to Mikey.

  "So where's Donnie?" You asked. A wider smile appering at the thought of the purple banded turtle.

  "Oh he's in the lab doing his sciency thing." Mikey responded. You nodded. And walked to the lab. You stood in front of the door for a moment. But you heard his voice.

  "I don't know, maybe, I need to think about it April." You heard Donnie's voice said, the a muttered voice from a phone say something. Your face crinkled up in confusion. Why was he talking to April again? It's been almost a month, and she just now wants to talk to him? You shook your head then knocked on the door.

  "Come in!" Donnie yelled from the other side of the door. You pushed open the door as Donnie set his phone down. You could see the expression on his face. He seemed confused, and even some what stressed.

  "What's wrong?" You asked taking a set in another chair at the large desk.

  "April. She called me just a little before you came in. She said she's sorry. And she wants to get back together. But I don't know." Donnie said looking at the ground. It was evident that his head was more filled with thoughts then before.

  "Well, what do you know?" You asked. You didn't think it was a good idea for them to get back together. She was no good for him then and she's no good for him now.

  "Well. I know she hurt me," He paused, "But I also know that I miss her more then ever." He said. You nodded.

  "Sometimes it's better to move on, but, it's your choice." You said. Donnie nodded.

  "What would you do?" He aksed.

  "I probaly wouldn't, she did cheat, and once a cheater always a cheater right? I wouldn't be able to trust her much after this. But that's just my opinion." You said with a small shrug.



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