Is This The Rainbow?

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Donnie looked up at ypu, his brown-red eyes filled with tears. "But what if we don't make it out if the storm?" He asked a they fell.

"But you will, look at everyone you have, you have your brothers, and your sensei. They're all here for you, they want to help you see the rainbow, even if your in the storm right now." You said a tear falling down your cheek. Donnie nodded and sniffled. "T-thank you." He said with a small weak smile. You smiled back, not saying a word. You stood up and wiped the tears away with the sleeve of your sweatshirt.

"So, wanna go out?" You asked, Donnie nodded and stood up and nodded wiping his tears away. "Why not." He said, showing his gapped smile, you have never seen a true smile of his, and you had to admit, tge real thing was adorable!! You smiled. As he walked to the door and opened it, allowing you to go first, like a real gentle men. "Thanks." You said walking out. Donnie nodded.

"Dudette! You got Donnie to come out! Are you magic or something?!" Mikey asked jumping over the back of the couch and running towards you.

You giggled and shook your head, "No, I'm not magic Mikey."

Donnie rolled his eyes and hopped over the back of the couch, landing a spot right next to Raph. "Magic doesn't exist Mikey." He said.

"Then how do you explain pizza?" Mikey asked, as if Donnie was some kinda idoit.

Leo groaned, "Pizza is not magic."

"Then how does it taste so good without any magic being used?" Mikey asked. Everyone, except you, rolled your eyes. You just giggled and through a arm around his shoulder, "There just not believers." You said with a smile. Mikey nodded and smiled.

~ Le Time Skip To Next Day!! :) ~

You woke up and stretched, today you were going to school, and you were actually happy to. Since last night, you felt as if there was something that made it worth living. You pushed your blanket off of you legs and stood up walking to your closet, you scanned over your options. You pulled a pair of high waisted, light blue, jean shorts that had tears in them, then picked out black and white stripped, tighter fitting, short sleeved crop top that had a cut out in the back. The you picked out some black Converse. You quickly changed then headed to the bathroom and put on a bit of makeup, and straightened your hair before eating breakfast. You walked out of your apartment and started walking to school. Ubove the buildings there was a rainbow arching a cross the sky. You smiled, 'There our Rainbow.' You thought as you walked looking up at the sky.

You walked into the building, walling to your locker, quickly turning the combination in then opening it, putting your backpack into locker then closing it, walling off to go socialize with some of your freinds.

Donatello's Pov:

I laid on my back, think to all the words y/n had said. Was she right? Was this the rainbow she was talking about? I smiled and sat up before walking out if my room to the kitchen, Miley was stove making pancakes. "Good morning." I said stretching out my arms.

"Mornin' D!" Mieky said cheerfully as he flipped a pancake.

"Morning Donnie." Leo said with a smile, happy that his brother was as sad anymore.

"Where's Raph?" I asked.

"He's still sleeping! And Leo has valntered to wake him up!" Mikey said.

"When did I say that?" Leo aksed.

"I said it a couple seconds ago, but I knew that's what you were thinking." Mikey said as he put the last pancake on the stack and set them on the table.

Leo rolled his eyes and stood up walking out of the kitchen to wake up Raph. I took a seat at the table. 'I think this is the rainbow.'

Beware of Broken Hearts (Donatello x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now