Chapter 38: German Nights.

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"Where are we going today Captain Fun ?", Rebecca asked, "Captain Fun ?", I chuckled, "Yes, you are Captain Fun, now where are we heading in beautiful Berlin ?", she asked, Berlin is not as beautiful as you are, "You see that building over there ?", I pointed to a white, Greek-like-structure building in front of us, "Yea, what is it ?", she asked, "That's Pergamon Museum.", I told her, "Description and Collection Lukey.", she demanded, I chuckled at her nicknames for me, "Pergamonmuseum, is situated on the Museum Island in Berlin. The site was designed by Alfred Messel and Ludwig Hoffmann and was constructed in twenty years, from 1910 to 1930.", I explained, "It holds antiquity collection and an Islamic Art and Middle-Eastern departments.", I explained and she was just wide-eyed, "Why are we still standing here ?! Lets go!", she pulled me by the hand like she always does when we are about to hit a museum and we ran inside after getting tickets.


We went through allot of things in this place, and Rebecca seemed to enjoy this museum than any other one we have been to so far, we got to the antiquity section and she was just in awe, I smiled at her as she went through the many antiques driven by curiosity and excitement, "The collection goes back to the Electors, or Kurfürsten, of Brandenburg, who collected objects from antiquity; the collection began with an acquisition to the collection by a Roman archaeologist in 1698.", I told her, "This is really awesome.", she said in a low voice, "Glad you liked it Rebs.", I told her, "But I don't like it.", she turned around to face my 'What the Hell ?' expression, "I love it.", she smiled.

Rebecca Forde can literally scan through every museum so fast that she can have a second tour around it, we were already done with most of it and now we were observing some Islamic Art, quite exquisite if you ask me. Rebecca walked past every painting, every sculpture, every thing there is to observe with wonder in her eyes, "If only I had a bit information about Islamic Art.", I told her, "I wish I did too.", she had this spark in her eyes that lights up even more every time she sees something else, "I can tell you some stuff.", a feminine voice next to us spoke, we look to our right and we see an Arab girl standing before us. She wore light blue jeans, not skinny, a white shirt with a tiger print on it and she wore a long-sleeved, white undershirt that covered her arms and the scarf that covered her head was leaf-green like the tiger print on her shirt. She had hazel eyes and she was kind of pale, not the pale wherein you're sick-pale, but rather all-natural-skin-tone pale, she was really pretty, "Oh, will you please tell me about this room we're in ?", Rebecca asked politely, "Sure. I think you know its called 'Aleppo Room',", she smiled, "Its owner was Isa ibn Butrus, it goes back way to the Ottoman Dynasty. It was crafted by Halab Shah ibn Isa in Aleppo, Syria. The paintings within the Aleppo room thus make up the oldest collection from a Syrian dwelling house from the Ottoman period.", she said, "I wish I could tell you more but I'm a bit down in History classes.", she apologized politely, "No its okay, that was more than enough and a great description.", Rebecca told her, "What's your name ?", Rebecca asked her, "Laila.", she shot a warm smile, "You guys probably pronounce it as 'Layla'.", she told us, "Its such a beautiful name.", Rebecca told her, "I'm Rebecca, and this is Luke.", she pointed to me and we shook hands, a polite gesture, "Anyways, I have to go, it was nice meeting you.", she smiled, "It was nice meeting you too, and thank you for the description.", Rebecca thanked her and we parted our ways. "She is beautiful.", Rebecca pointed out, "I have to dive more into their culture.", she quickly added, "Tell me when you do.", I told her.


We were now sitting in the Pergamon Altar, a monumental construction built during the reign of King Eumenes II in the first half of the 2nd century BC on one of the terraces of the acropolis of the ancient city of Pergamon in Asia Minor. Rebecca and I were sipping some drinks we got along with us here and rest our feet for a bit before we head to AquaDom. "This was fun.", Rebecca mentioned, "You've said that in the past few museums we've been to so far, Rebs.", I told her, "I know, and it gets interesting, I can't wait for Paris.", a grin spread on her face and I just smiled at her.



Next place to go to was the AquaDom, from what Luke told me, its a tall cylindrical acrylic glass aquarium with built-in transparent elevator. It is located at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Berlin-Mitte, "This looks cool.", I told Luke, "It is.", he smiled.

It was late at night now, we had one hour left before we can leave, "Hey, wait up for me around here, I'm going to go to the bathroom.", he said and he left. I walked around the cylindrical aquarium and observed every fish there is all over again, its so beautiful, I stepped inside the middle of the aquarium only to realize I'm standing in the transparent elevator Luke told me about, I pressed on the button to take me to the very top and I just stared around on the fish, until the thing stops and another realization hits me is that I didn't make it to the top of the thing, I sighed, "You have got to be kidding me.", I closed my eyes and trying going down again but its no use, "Hello ?", I called out loud, "Someone help me!", I called out for help, I didn't hear much sounds from people so I suppose the place was clearing up, "Hello ?! Anyone ?! Luke ?!", I called out loud again, "Ugh!", I groaned and I slid against the aquarium and sat on the floor. A minute later someone yells from above, "Hello ?", a security's head pops up, "What are you doing down here ?", he asked, "I am stuck, can you please help me ?!", I asked, "I'll get help right away!", he called, "Rebecca ?", a familiar voice called, "Luke ?", I asked, "How ?", he asked gesturing to my situation, "I just wanted to try it since I didn't get the chance to, then before I am even halfway up I am stuck!", I explained, "Don't worry, we'll get you out of here.", he assured, "Just hurry up.", I told him.


An hour later they sent a ladder down and a security came along down to me, "Are you okay ?", he asked, "Yea I'm fine.", I nodded, "Come on, climb up.", he told me and I did as he asked and I climbed up the ladder. Luke helped me up later on, "You okay Rebs ?", he asked, "I'm fine Luke.", I assured him, "Thank you.", I thanked the 2 security guards and the manager who came along with them, "Don't forget to fix it.", I reminded, "Will do Miss.", the manager smiled and we left. "Well that was something.", Luke smiled as we walked away, "Huh ?", I asked, "Getting stuck in an aquatic elevator ?", he scoffed, "That must have been amazing.", he smiled, "Well I did enjoy my little talk with some fish.", I joked, he chuckled and he put an arm around me as we walked outside.


We got to our room, which was again a single-bedded room, I didn't mind it actually, sleeping next to him is kind of assuring. "Rebs you've been in the bathroom for 30 minutes now, come out, don't be shy.", Luke called, that's right, I just spent 30 minutes in the bathroom, 15 minutes for a shower and the other 15 minutes wearing the onsie he got me from Prague and managed to get cleaned, he was wearing one too, we were both wearing wolf onsies, "Luke, the last time I wore a onsie was when I was 18, I did not wear one since then.", I told him, "As if I wear onsies every day Rebs, come on, get out.", he demanded, I unlocked the door and I stepped out in the wolf onsie, "Aww.", he smiled, I punched his arm and made my way to the bed, "You look adorable.", he said, "I look like a kid Luke.", I told him, "No, you look like the most adorable, cutest wolf I've seen.", he pulled me into him under the cover and turned the lights off, my hand rested on his chest and his breath hit my hair, "Are you serious ?", I asked with a light grin on my face, "Yes, now sleep.", he whispered, "Good night. ", he whispered again.

Writer's Note: Chapter 38! That's a cute wolf onsie up there :3 Sorry if the title along with its storyline are lame, hopefully the next one will be interesting /: Anyways, enjoy it x

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