Tattooed {Oliver Sykes}

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"Alice, can you take over, I need to run an errand." Jason, my boss asked me. 

"Okay sure Jace" I said getting up out of my seat and walking over to the front desk. I sat myself down on the stool and watched my boss walk out the front door. 

I twirled my red hair in my finger and when there had been no people coming through the door, I walked over to the nearby mirror and looked at myself, fixing my outfit.

I had been wearing white ripped skinnies, a black tank top, and a pair of black Vans. My red hair was piled on top of my head, except for a few pieces that framed my face. I had several ear piercings and my dermal, with a white star top. I had plenty of tattoos, several on my arms, including roses up near my shoulder, an owl on my forearm on the right side, and on the left, I had feathers and birds traveling up to my neck. I had many others but most of them were hidden while I looked in the mirror. 

As soon as my thoughts took me away, and I was examining my tattoos in the mirror, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned my head suddenly and saw a heavily tattooed, and attractive male standing in front of my face. I smiled brightly and turned my whole body towards him. "Hello." I said nicely to him, and a cute smile creeped onto his face. "Hello" He said back. 

For a moment, we just stood looking at each other, and I admired his many tattoos until I realized he probably came here for a reason. "Oh, what can I help you with?" I blushed and he laughed. I walked him over to the counter and sat on the stool while he leaned against the glass. 

"Well, I was wondering if you can do this," He set a design of a pentagram down before me "here" He pointed to his palm. I nodded and looked back up at him. He had been looking at me. I blushed again and he reached out to grab a small strand of hair. "Your hair is so red" He twirled it in his fingers. I was used to this, people always did it, and I usually got kind of mad, but he seemed nice, plus he was paying us to tattoo him, so I let him mess with my hair. 

"Haha, yeah, I get that a lot." I laughed and stood up off my chair. "Right this way..." I walked into the back room and sat next to the table I'd be doing his tattoo on. He sat down beside me and held his hand out. I grabbed his hand lightly in my hand. His hand was soft, yet strong. "Seems like you already have a tattoo here, are you sure you just don't want a touch up?" I lightly ran my fingers over the cat that was on his hand. He nodded and I shrugged. 

About half an hour to an hour later I had finished his tattoo and we were just walking out of the room. Jason had come back by now to help me with other clients, knowing I would take a bit, since I was a bit newer. I'm surprised that the man I did didn't mind that. 

We walked over to the counter and he paid. I smiled at him and he returned it. His teeth were straight as can be, and to be honest, I was jealous. ", what is your name?" He laughed and looked me in the eye, and I looked at him, his chocolate eyes drowning me "Oh! My name is Alice." I smiled slightly. "Well, Alice, you're a pretty good artist..." He talked on, and I nodded. "I was wondering, do you draw anything other than tattoos?" I smiled wider at his question.

"Yeah, actually I do. But lately I've just been drawing these." I pointed to the designs in the case below us, and he looked. "At one point, Jason figured I was good enough at drawing to let me start tattooing, but most of the time I just make designs and work the front desk." He looked back up and was smiling. 

"I had wondered if you could draw me something..." I nodded slowly. "Like what?" He thought for a few moments. "Well, I'm still trying to figure out what it should be, so maybe I can text you about it later?" I smirked and grabbed a piece of paper, writing down my number. 

"Hey, hey don't bother with that, I'd end up losing it, just put it into my phone." He handed me his phone and I typed in my number, and handed it back to him. "I put myself in as Alice." I smiled at him and he nodded. "Alright. I'll text you later then?" I nodded and he waved, walking out of the store. 

-some time later-

Jason let me off of work early so I walked out of the store with my coat in my arm, since it was still sunny and warm out. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket, and reached for it. I clicked the text from the unknown number and smiled. 

"Hi Alice, it's Oli, oh wait, I'm the guy from the tattoo parlour from earlier." I smiled. Oli

"Hey Oli, I just got off work, what's up?" I held my phone in my hand while I unlocked the door to my flat. I walked in and sat on my couch, closing my eyes and letting out a sigh. My hand felt the vibration from my phone. I looked down at the text. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to get together, because I had an idea for a drawing :) xx" I was surprised when he put the kisses at the end, but that was usual for Europeans. We were usually really nice to people, unlike Americans...

I replied to Oli, while smiling. "Sure, where were you thinking? xx" I returned the favor of the kisses and before I knew it he replied, like he was waiting for the question. 

"How about your house?" I widened my eyes and looked around. It wasn't that messy, so I shrugged and messaged him back. 

"Okay, here's my address: 11 Sunrise Avenue." I sent the message, and stood up, hanging up my coat and walked into my kitchen, grabbing my jar of peanut butter and taking a finger of it. 

My phone went off on the counter as he replied "Hey, I don't live too far. I'll be over in about...20min?" I smiled and messaged back "Ok See you then:)" I put my peanut butter away, and walked into my room to get changed. I put on a pair of pyjama shorts and a tank top. I figured if he was coming to my house he shouldn't mind this. 

When the bell rang, I walked over to the door and opened it. Oli's lanky body was standing there, holding his phone in his newly tattooed hand. "I texted you, but you didn't answer" He laughed sweetly and I moved off to the side to let him in. 

"Nice...outfit" He chuckled, and I laughed slightly. "'s what I change into when I get home." He nodded. "It's fine, and by the way, your face is as red as your hair." He winked and I blushed even more. He laughed once again and walked through hallway and into my living room. I pushed the door closed with my back, and smiled. 



Tattooed {Oliver Sykes}Where stories live. Discover now