Going On Tour -Chapter 4-

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Sorry I haven't updated! Writers block got the best of me -.-

Oli's Pov

When Alice told me she was going to save her food for later, I had a feeling she had been lying. Earlier, when I had looked into the refrigerator, there were no leftovers in there. She was just throwing away her food. I sighed and looked into the seat she was sitting in previously. When she came back, I looked at her with a serious face, slightly angry at the fact I knew she threw her food away. I didn't want her to starve herself. "What?" She laughed slightly, and I smiled fakely. "Nothing" She laughed again and I decided it was about time to head home.

I stood up and grabbed the folder. "Well, it's getting dark out...so I really should get going..." Her face dropped slightly, and I suddenly felt bad. It seemed like I was the only person she could talk to. She walked me to the door, I smiled down at her, and then I said "Thanks again, I'll text you tomorrow to see what the guys say." She smiled, and before I even knew what I was doing, I hugged her.

It wasn't exactly a friendly hug, but I guess it seemed like it. She was tense at first and then relaxed. My arms rested lightly against her, and she returned the hug . I smiled and after a minute or so I backed off, not wanting her to feel too awkward. I waved, turned, and walked to my car. While I backed out of her driveway, I watched her smile at me, and I started home. 

When I got home, I sat on my bed and looked at the drawing. I smiled, set the drawing down on the bedside table, and laid down and stared at my phone. Should I text her? My mind kept asking itself similar questions. No, it's too late. She's probably sleeping. I argued with myself for about five minutes, and finally decided to text her a goodnight. 

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you again, and say goodnight. So goodnight xx" I smiled, wavering my thumb above the send button, and finally tapped it, the message sending, slowly, painfully, and finally it said "Delivered" under the message. 

When the message said "Read,"  I smiled, and noticed she was typing. "It's no problem, talk to you tomorrow x" I replied with a smiley face and then locked my phone, rolled over, and fell asleep

I woke up at about six A.M. and walked into my kitchen, somehow only wearing boxers and my t-shirt from last night. I'm not exactly sure how my skinny jeans weren't on anymore, but I didn't really care. Suddenly an awkward breeze came from the open window above my kitchen sink. I didn't bother to close it, and just went over to my fridge and grabbed a bottle of whisky and sat on my living room chair, drinking it from the bottle.

Later, I'd regret it, but who cared anyway? It's not like I was going out today.

Then I remembered Alice.

I quickly put the bottle down, walked through my bedroom, and into my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, wiped my face, and quickly took a shower. After drying my body and my hair, I went to go get dressed into a Drop Dead! t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a black beanie. 

My phone vibrated and said that Lee had just texted me. I told him to meet me at my house, and we'd discuss the drawing. He replied "Okay, I'll tell the guys." 

-Alice's Pov- 

After Oli left, I walked into my room, and laid down on my bed, closing my eyes. About two minutes later, I heard my phone go off in the kitchen and I groaned, getting up out of the covers and walked over to my phone. When I realized it was Oli, I smiled and read the text, replying to him. I carried my phone into my room and set it on my bedside table and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

I woke up and didn't bother to shower or anything, and just got into a t-shirt and shorts. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and walked out to my living room, sat on my couch, and stared outside. My phone suddenly vibrated and I noticed Oli was calling me. I answered.

"Hello?" I said, as if I didn't know who was calling.

"Hey, Alice, it's Oli" He laughed, and I heard some guys laughing in the background. "So, I was wondering if I could come over with the guys..." He said, still slightly laughing. I smiled, "Yeah, I don't have anything planned anyways." He laughed "Well, okay, we'll be over in a bit, okay?" I smiled "Of course." He then hung up, and I set my phone down on the counter.

Before I knew it, someone had rung my bell, and I opened it to five jumpy boys. I laughed and Oli smiled, as I let them in. Once I was introduced to all of them, I brought them into the kitchen, where I gave each of them a bottle of beer and leaned against my counter, in which they were sitting across from. Lee spoke up.

"So...we saw your drawing...you're really good" He smiled, and I returned the smile. 

"Yeah, it was sick" Jordan piped up, and I smiled wider.

"We all know she's amazing at drawing and shit, but let's get down to what we really came here to tell her" Oli's newly tattooed hand wrapped around the bottle I gave him, and he smiled while he spoke. He took a sip of his drink and then returned to talking. "We decided that you could be an artist for us... and possibly for my clothing line Drop Dead" I stared at him, and then laughed.

"You're kidding right?!" I couldn't believe what he said. 

"No..." Oli said, looking me in the eye. I smiled and ran over to each of them, hugging them. I finally got to Oli, looked at him in the eye, and then basically jumped onto him in a hug. I heard one of the others whimper, and I turned around. Mat was pouting said sadly  "You didn't hug us like that." He looked down and I laughed, hugged him again and then kissed his cheek. I turned back to the others, gave them each a kiss on the cheek and then it was time for them to go. They all walked out of the house, probably back to Oli's place.

I heard someone in the kitchen, probably putting the bottles in the sink or something along those lines. I walked in, and I saw him rinsing them out. "Oh you don't have to do that." He ignored me and finished what he was doing, then turned around. "I don't mind." I laughed and walked over to the sink. "So... what does this job of being the band artist involve?" I turned around.

"Well, you can come on tour with us, as a merch girl too, I mean, if you want,  and you make our art for stuff..." He shrugged and smirked.

"Well," My face dropped slightly. "I'd have to quit my job at the tattoo parlour..." I sighed and he patted me on the back. "Yeah, but this will be more exciting." I laughed and nodded. "True, true" I turned to him and gave him a hug "Thanks again" He didn't respond at first and then he returned the hug. I looked up at him and he was looking down at me. My cheeks got red and I looked back down and he rested his chin on my head. "You're welcome" He mumbled into my hair. I smiled and stopped hugging him. 

We stood there awkward for a few moments and then I nodded. "Well," He cut me off.

"I guess I'll get going.." He rubbed the back of his neck and I nodded again. He smiled, and then walked outside, and I closed the door behind him, and fell back onto the couch, and fell asleep once again.


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