Mum! -Chapter 18-

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-A month later-

Alice's POV 

Oli had promised that we'd go to visit my mum, and he kept that promise. After a month's worth of touring, we made it to Ireland. I was even more excited than when Oli first told me about us going. We were sitting in the back of the bus reading and I decided to speak up.

"Hey Oli, so when we get there, can I spend some time with my mum before she meets you, I want to catch up." He looked down at me from his book.

"Of course darling." He smiled and put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder. I smiled and rested my head on his arm. 

"I love you for doing this." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I love you in general." He kissed my cheek and rubbed my shoulder again before standing up. "I'll be back, okay?" I nodded as he walked out of the room and I returned to my book.

About ten minutes later, he came back dancing to the non-existent music, and I laughed. He reached out and pulled me up with him, and we started spinning around. By this point, I was uncontrollably laughing. 

He eventually got tired, and dragged me onto the couch with him. I laid on top of him and kissed his nose. He put his hands on my cheeks and smiled. "We're almost at your mum's house." I smiled huge and rolled off of him, running away. "Where are you going?!" 

"I have to get ready!" I yelled as I ran into the bathroom. I heard him yell something, but it was muffled by the door. I turned the shower on and undressed, then hopped in. 

-Half of an hour later-

"We're here!" I heard the driver yell. My heart was racing, and Oli gripped my hand tightly. We walked off of the bus and he hugged me, and kissed my forehead. 

"I love you so much." I whispered into his chest, and then let go. "I'll text you when you can come." He nodded and let me go as well.

I slowly approached her door, and when I reached it I rang the bell, waiting for someone to open it. When it slowly creaked open, I saw my mum and her confused face went to over-joyed. I smiled wide and she swung the door open all the way and hugged me. I jumped in surprise, and returned the hug.

"Alice, my baby I missed you so much." She grabbed my arms and took a good look at me. "Your hair." She grabbed a few strands of it in between her fingers and then rested her hand on my cheek. "You look so beautiful." A few tears left her eyes and I reached up to wipe them away. 

"You're looking young as ever mum." Her hands went to mine and dragged me into the house. She quickly gave me a little house tour and then we sat at her kitchen table. 

"Do you want some tea, coffee, water, anything?" I nodded. 

"Some water would be nice." She smiled and stood up, went into the kitchen and I heard her rest a glass on the counter top. "Mum, your view here is amazing." I pushed the curtain away from the window and peeked out over the green hills and the small towns below. 

"Yeah, I know, it's one of the reasons I bought this place." She came back in and put the glass down on the table in front of me, then sat down. "So, what's new with you?" I smiled and took a sip of the water.

"Well, I was working in the tattoo shop, like you know, until I met Oli, and he offered to bring me on tour with him and his band and work for his clothing company designing clothes and things." I grabbed her hand in mine. "What about you?"

"Well, other than me retiring, nothing really. I've been going out a little more often, but mostly staying home, watching some television, and cleaning." I frowned. 

"Mum you have to do more than just that. Have you tried getting in a relationship with anyone?" I smiled. 

"Oh no no no, I'm too old for that darling. I'm fine with the life I'm living right now." I smiled and rubbed her hand. We sat in silence for a little while before she spoke up again. "So, when can I meet this boy of yours?" She smirked and so did I, letting go of her hand, and grabbing my phone from my pocket.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and I ran to go open it, to find the whole band standing there. I stood, staring at them with a blank face. "Really. I texted Oli and you all came?" Mat nodded, smiling, and I rolled my eyes. "Well, come in." I led them all through the door and into the kitchen, where my mum's eyes went wide.

"Wow, my daughter gets all the boys!" They all chuckled and Oli stepped forward and put his hands on my hips. 

"No Ms. it's just me." He smiled and Mum stood up, excited.

"Aw this is so cute!!" I blushed and sunk into Oli's arms.

"Oh you two stop, you're making us all uncomfortable." Jordan whispered. I felt Oli's hands remove themselves, and I walked over to my mom and looked at the group of boys. 

"Okay Mum, that's Matt with two t's, that's Mat with one t, that's Jordan, that's Lee, and obviously, Oli." She nodded and stepped forward and hugged each of them, to their surprise. After that, she asked them if they wanted anything to drink and left to walk over to the fridge, and that's when Jordan ran over to me. 

"Alice what's your mum's last name?" I stared at him. 

"It's Carter. Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows and he patted my head. 

"Oh, no reason." He smiled and looked over to Mum as she walked in trying to carry all the drinks.

-Later that night-

By this point, everyone was either drunk or asleep, except for mum and me. Oli was passed out on the couch and Jordan was on top of him. Mat and Matt were talking about something that I could barely understand, and mum and I were sitting at the counter still catching up on little things, and when the clock hit eleven I decided it'd be a good time to go. 

"Oh darling." She hugged me and I hugged her tighter. 

"Can you help me get these gentlemen into the bus?" She laughed and nodded. 

I pushed Jordan onto the ground and he woke up suddenly. "What the hell?" I laughed and shook Oli. 

"Wake up, Oli, come on, seriously?" I pushed him off too, and he screamed, causing me to laugh. "Go to the bus." 

I followed them out while my mum was trying to get Mat and Matt to stop arguing and get on the bus. "Can't you two continue this not on my front walkway?" They sighed and walked on. We all laughed. 

Once the other boys were inside, I turned to my mum one last time and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll keep in touch, okay?" She smiled and I stepped onto the bus, and the doors closed and we drove away. 

I walked to the bunks and saw Oli in his boxers in ours. Not even bothering to change into pyjamas, I slipped in next to him and cuddled into his chest. "You're wonderful." 

"You're amazing." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

wowza it's been quite awhile. I'll try to update more often okay lovelies c:

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