Rose -Chapter 19-

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-Alice's Pov-

I felt the bus abruptly stop and I jumped awake. I couldn't move too far, as Oli's hands were around me, but I quickly squirmed from his grip. When I broke free, I crawled out of the bunk and walked to the front of the bus and saw that we had hit traffic, and the driver was cursing under his breath. I sighed and sat on one of the couches.

The bus was completely silent except for the soft buzzing of the motor, and the movements in the bunks. I opened one of the window shades and looked out at the dark blue sky with the stars scattered around. After a few minutes, I got up from my spot and walked to where my bags were stored. I grabbed my phone from one of the pockets and walked back to the front of the bus.

5 Missed Texts, 2 Missed Calls. Well, damn. I opened the texts, and I had a couple from a few friends and two from my mum's texts and read them slowly. 

"It was lovely seeing you tonight honey. I missed you so much and I hope you do great things in your life. It sounds like you're getting things together nicely, and your friends seem like amazing people. Don't get into too much trouble, Lots of Love." 

I smiled and read the next one:

"Oh, and by the way, I'm going to try to get out more like you told me to." 

I smiled even wider and started typing back. I told her how I loved her and how I was happy for her. The missed calls were from a few friends, and they left messages. I listened to them and my smile faded. They both said how I was ignoring them and being a bitch. I put my phone down and stood up, looking down towards the bunks. 

I walked towards them and almost climbed into bed with Oli, and then turned towards the bathroom. I walked in and stared at my messy hair and face in the mirror. I felt slightly sick. Maybe I was being a bitch about not talking to any of my friends. Why did I do that? I sighed and sat on the toilet seat.

I felt the little food I ate in the last day coming up and I sat on the floor in front of the toilet. As you can imagine, I got sick. All of a sudden, a knock came at the door and I jumped. 

"Hello?" They whispered. They opened the door a little, and I saw Mat's head poke in with a bed head. 

"Hey, what's wrong, you don't feel good?" I stared at him as he came in and sat next to me, taking up the rest of the available space in the small bathroom. 

"Well, what do you think?" I got up onto my knees and flushed the toilet before sitting back down beside him. "I feel really shitty." He put his arm around my shoulder.

"Wanna talk about it?" I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"I've been treating my friends back home like shit and they're calling me a bitch for ignoring them for my 'new life' and I was just thinking about how I was ignoring my mum so much and them and it's just making me feel horrible." Mat squeezed my shoulder.

"Hey, if they don't realize that you're happy and that you're trying to change things in your life, then they can go fuck themselves. There's always bumps in the road of life and you can never have no pot holes. If they keep being assholes, then just ignore them more. Who the fuck cares?" I smiled and thanked him, then closed my eyes.

"Thank you Mat." He rested his head on top of mine.

"Any day mate." I closed my eyes and I pretended to be asleep. I felt his presence leave and heard the door open but not close behind him.

In the distance I heard whispers and suddenly I didn't feel the ground beneath me any longer. 

-Oli's Pov- 

I was awoken by the sound of someone entering the bathroom. As soon as I opened my eyes, I realized Alice had left the bed and must have gone to use the toilet. But instead of hearing what you would normally heard in a bathroom, I heard her throwing up. Quickly, I threw the blankets off of me and stepped out of the bunk, but Mat pushed me back in.

"I got it, mate." I smiled at him and sat back, watching him go into the bathroom and close the door behind him. They were in there for about five minutes until he came back out.

"She got sick, and she feels like complete shit, like not body-wise, like, emotion wise." My heart sunk in my chest and nearly broke into a thousand pieces. I hated to hear that she wasn't good. I ran into the bathroom and picked her up bridal style. I proceeded to carry her to our bunk and climbed in behind her. 

Her face was relaxed, and her eyes were shut. Her legs slowly intertwined with mine, and my hands went up to her face. Her skin was warm. I rubbed her cheeks lightly with my thumbs and leaned my head forwards against her forehead.

"Alice Rose Monroe, I never want you to be hurt. I may not know everything going on inside that little head of yours, but I want you to know that whatever is, I will love you no matter what. I want you to be mine forever." I kissed her gently and her eyes opened slowly.

"Oliver Scott Sykes. I want you to know from this point on I will tell you everything that's going on in my head if you want to know. I love you to the moon and back. You gave me a new life, for the most part. You've changed me so much. If it wasn't for you, I still would have never gotten to see my mum, and I would never have someone to love me so much. I want to be yours forever."

"I'm in love with you." I whispered and wrapped my arms around her so tight, as to never let her go.

wowza two updates in a weekend. you guys must feel special.

i wanted to make this as frickin adorable as possible and this is all i could do i promise THINGS WILL GET HEATED maybe 

maybe not

i luv y'all

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