Food -Chapter 12-

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Oli's POV

"YES! FOOD!!" I yelled, standing, pulling Alice up with me. She was giggling in the cutest way possible by my side. "C'mon." I grabbed her hand and started walking off the bus. She didn't oblige. 

"I'm not hungry, plus I'm not changed." I stared at her, and her face was serious. I sighed and let her hand go. 

"Go get changed and then can you come?" I ruffled her bangs, making her pout. "Please." She sighed and turned on her heel. 

A few minutes later she was back, wearing a pair of capris, a hoodie, and her hair down. I smiled and grabbed her hand as we walked off the bus together.

When we got into the store, I led her towards the breakfast aisle, and grabbed Cap'n Crunch and some oatmeal. We went into the drink aisle and got a few cases of Gatorade, a case of Monster, just in case, and Powerade. She grabbed some smoothie mixes and threw them in as well. I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead, making her cheeks flush.

The next aisle was the baking aisle, and as soon as I walked in, I walked out. 

"Hey, hey." She stopped me and we went back in. "I wanna get some stuff. I planned on being your guys's chef." She smiled and led me down the aisle. She grabbed a pancake mix, an egg replacer, muffin mix, and some other baking mixes. I stared at them and back at her. 

"How do you expect to make this stuff when the kitchen is barely even a kitchen." She shrugged. 

"I'll figure something out." I laughed and we continued into another aisle. This aisle was stuffed full of snacks. I smiled wide and laughed like a little kid. Alice poked me and I stopped, still quietly laughing. She reached up and grabbed three packs of fig bars and I made a face. She looked me in the eye.

"These are mine. No one else's." I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't like them anyways." Her eyes went wide and she made a shocked face. I poked her cheek and she started laughing. 

"More for meeeee!!" She set them in the cart and we continued. I grabbed a few animal crackers, gum, crisps, and cookies. 

After shopping a little while longer, we met up with the others and went into one of the check out spots. I loaded all of the groceries onto the belt and watched as the price went up and up quickly. I looked down at Alice, who's face was worried and she looked up at me with wide eyes. 

"I-I can take the fig bars back.." She said softly, reaching for them, but I pushed her hand away. 

"It's alright." I whispered in her ear, and she settled back, still nervous looking. Mat paid and we carted the food out to the bus. As we all loaded it on, the driver started up the bus. Once all of the food was in, he started off again. I sat on the couch, opening one of the packs of cookies. 

"Ah ah ah." Alice grabbed them and took them into her grasp, shaking her index finger. I pouted and she laughed, but put the into one of the small cupboards.

 I felt the couch sink beneath me, and I looked to Jordan, who was smiling like a fool. He looked from me to Alice, who was currently putting away more food. He wiggled his eyebrows, and I chuckled, and he whispered in my ear. 

"Mate, she's a keeper." I sighed happily and stared at her move slowly, trying to organize the cabinets as well as possible. She was adorable.

"Where the hell am I supposed to put this?!?" She raised a box of a Japanese snack. I saw Mat run over a grab it. 

"In my tummy." He ran back towards the bunks and she giggled. My heart fluttered. That giggle is amazing. 

Once she finished, she came over to the couch and plopped down, resting her head on my lap. 

"You hungry yet?" I asked and she shook her head, yawning. "Will you ever be hungry?!" She shrugged.

"I don't eat that much." I sighed and lifted her head, and then picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to the back lounge. 

"We're going to sit here all day, eating, and watching movies. Okay?" She sighed. "It's the last day before we're constantly on stage, when I'll barely be able to see you." She sighed again and pouted. "Oh, and big news." I plopped beside her. "The album was released yesterday." Her eyes went wide. 

"Did you use the thingie I drew?" I laughed at her usage of the word. 

"Sweetie, that came out a while ago." She blushed. "A few days after you drew it." Her eyes went wide again. "We had art before, but it got lost. We needed it asap." She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"How's the album doing so far?" I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Mostly positive reactions. Some people are saying we've changed a lot. Well, fuck them. I don't give a shit about what they say." She snuggled further into my shoulder and I laid down, bringing her with me. 

"Y'all gunna snuggle, or get some fuckin' food." I saw Lee's face appear in the room. I struggled to sit back up, but when I did, I stood and pulled Alice back up. 

"I'm staying back here." She dragged out the 'r' I sighed and obliged, and walked out to the kitchen with Lee. I sat on the table where Mat and Matt were talking. 

"Guys." They all looked up at me. "I think Alice has an eating disorder."

Okay so I'm not like promoting eating disorders or anyways alright.




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