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Jaylee decided I had to wake up the boys for training, so that's exactly what I was doing.

I open the door to wake up Aaron to find him curled up in a ball on his bed.

I hear his sobs as I get closer to him.

"Aaron." I say softly.

He turns to face me, his eyes red and puffy.

My heart breaks a bit at the sight of him.

"Come here." I sit on the bed next to him and wrap my arms around him, letting him cry on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly.

"I'm s-so scared. What if it h-happens again?" He asks looking at me.

"If it happens again, we'll protect you again." I reassure him.

"I don't want you to die though," He sits up so he's sat next to me, "I've become so close to you Kara, I don't know what I'd do without you."

Shit, they didn't tell us how to deal with crying.

I pat his back awkwardly, "There there Aaron. Everything will be ok."

"Will it though?"

"Yes. Now I need to go wake uo the others. Get changed and meet us downstairs." I kiss his forehead before walking out to wake up everyone else.

"Wake up losers." I yell waking uo Jack and Jack.

They were the last to be woken.

"5 more minutes." Gilinsky complains.

I sigh, before jumping on to his back.

"GET OFF!" He yells pushing me off of his bed.

"Morning G." I grin sheepishly, shaking Johnson.

"WHERE'S THE FIRE?" Johnson shoots up.

"No fire. Just me. Get changed and get your asses downstairs." I smile and walk out.

I go downstairs to see everyone around the table eating pancakes.

I take my seat between Aaron and Taylor and eat some pancakes.

"Right. Everyone get changed into workout gear because we'll be training today." Jaylee smiles, standing up.

Everyone leaves the table to get changed.

I change into my black Nike sports bra and grey shorts and put on my trainers.

Jaylee was wearing a similar type with black and white paterned shorts and her trainers.

We both put our hair in ponytails before walking down to the training room with all of the boys.

"Ok. First of all let's test your athletic skills. Get in lines for pull ups. 20 each. Go!" Jaylee shouts and everyone goes into lines for pull ups while we count.

Everyone manages to do 20, sone people manage more.

"Your turn." Calum smirks.

I shrug, moving over to the higgest bar, jumping to grab hold of it and doing as many pull ups as I can.

Jaylee mirrors my actions on the opposite bar and it soon turns intiba competition of who can do the most pull ups.

"Go Jaylee!" Luke cheers her on.

"Come on Kara!" Calum says.

The boys split in half, seven supporting me, seven supporting Jaylee.

After a while Jaylee cracks and drops to the ground leaving me doing pull ups.

"YES KARA!" Taylor shouts when I let go of the bar.

"My arms hurt now." I laugh.

"They would." Carter chuckles.

"You wanna do shooting or knife throwing next?" I ask Jaylee.

"Shall we use the guns?" She asks a question in reply.

"Yeah ok." I nod and head over to the guns where I start loading them.

"They have bullets in them, so no trying to killing each other." Jaylee laughs handing the guns to them.

We pick some up for our self, but put bullets in them.

"Get shooting. Aim for the head or the chest on the dummy." Jaylee laughs as she starts shooting.

Suprisingly, a few of the boys already know how to shoot guns.

I notice Luke getting annoyed because he can't hit the head or the heart and Calum trying to help him.

I walk over to them.

"You ok Luke?" I ask.

"No. I have no aim with these things." He sighs in frustration.

"Here. Aim using this." I show him how to hold and aim properly and he hits the dummies head shot after shot.

"I can do it!" He sayd excitedly.

"Well done Luke." I laugh going back to my station.

We decide to have lunch after we finish shooting.

"I'm so hungry." Michael complains.

"We all are." I laugh sitting down.

We eat, talking about everything and anything before Jaylee decides we should start using the knives.

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