s e v e n t e e n

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It's the question time of the show again. So that means I'm going to be forced out again.

Soon enough Johnson is trying to pull me out, but I won't budge.

"I really don't want Jack." I complain.

"Please Kara. For me?" He pouts.

"No Johnson. I really don't want to."

"Well, you're coming out. The fans want you to." He trys persuading me.

We stand there for a few minutes until Jaylee comes and starts tickling me, making me race on to the stage.

"Meanie." I say into a microphone before sitting down next to Taylor and Nash and handing the microphone back to Taylor.

Jaylee blows me a kiss before sitting between Luke and Hayes.

"Can Jaylee and Kara sing?" Luke reads from his phone, "Can you?"

"No we're tone deaf!" I laugh.

"True." Jaylee smiles.

"Are Jaylee and Kara virgins?" Ashton reads.

"I'm not." Jaylee smiles proudly.

"I am." I say quietly, looking at the floor, blushing.

"Cute. I have a virgin girlfriend." Taylor says in my ear.

"Oh shut up you meanie." I push him, smiling as I do.

"Nope." He replies.

More questions come, like who would we date.

Little do they know.

"Are you dating anyone?" One girl calls out.

"Yes." Taylor, Jaylee, Luke and I reply.

The others all say no, apart fron Gilinsky and Ashton.

"Ok. That's all for tonight. Thank you all for coming out to see us! Good night everyone!" Aaron says as we all walk off stage.

"That was fun." Taylor says, intertwining our fingers.

"It went a lot better than last night despite the awkward questions!" I laugh looking at him.

I notice Jaylee and Luke in front of us, looking very couple-y. Luke had his arm around Jaylee, and she was leant into him.

We walked back to the bus, joking about the night before going to bed so we could be awake earlier.


I woke up the next morning to hear someone screeching like a dinosaur.

I put my glasses on and walked out to the bunks to see Matt making weird faces and noises while the boys recorded him.

"What are you doing?" I said between laughs.

"Recording Vines. Want to be in some?" Carter asks.

"Sure. Why not. I look like shit but of well." I shrugged.

"Never knew you needed glasses. You look adorable in them." Taylor smirked.

"Taylor, I'm as blind as a bat. That's why I wear contacts, I need them. Well, not the colours but I think they look cool." I smile, sitting on someone's bunk.

The someone pulls me back, startling me. I turn to see Aaron.

"Fucking hell Aaron! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I place my hand over my chest, standing back up.

"Sorry Special K." He laughs.

"These nicknames get worse each day." I groan.

"Morning Kara." Ashton giggles emerging from his bunk.

"Morning Ash! Who you face timing?" I ask.

"My girlfriend Bryana. Come say hi." He smiles.

I sit next to him on his bunk.

He holds his phone so we can both see Bryana.

I look at his phone to see one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen.

"Hi! I'm Ashton's girlfriend Bryana." She smiles at the phone.

"Hi! I'm Ashtons friend Kara." I grin.

"It's nice to meet you. And may I say, you're so pretty!" She says.

"Thank you, so are you." I said, "Well, I should probably go. Bye."
I get out of his bunk.

"Right. I'm getting breakfast. Get something if you want." I say, walking into the kitchen.

I get some cereal when someone taps me.

"OH MY GOD JOHNSON! PLEASE STOP." I shout seeing Johnson laughing.

I see he has his phone out.

"Why?" I ask.

"Vine." He says, still laughing.

I sit down and eat when everyone else comes piling in.

We all eat before changing.
I put on some black leggings, a plain white top and grey hoodie. I put my hair in a messy bun and out on some shoes.

I can't be bothered to put in contacts, so I keep my glasses on instead.

Jaylee wears black leggings, blue jumper and similar shoes to me.

She also puts her hair in a messy bun.

We sit around for a few hours before heading to sound check.


I sit on the side of the stage watching Shawn rehearse.

He comes off of the stage and I stand up to hug him.

"You're so good Shawn! I can't sing for shit!" I laugh looking at him.

"Thank you. And I bet you can. Sing for me." He stops.

"I don't want to deafen you Shawn. If I could I would." I laugh walking to where the others are making vines, or in Mahogany's case, vlogging.

"Kara! Random character and backstory. Go!" Gilinsky yells.

"My name's Susan and I live on a farm with 16 sheep but 3 died." I say in a weird accent.

"Wasn't Susan your nans name?" Jaylee asks.

"Yeah. It was." I laugh at her random memory.

"Grandma Susan was the best to be honest. Her cookies were amazing." Jaylee says and I nod.

"Grandma Susan?" Taylor asks.

"My grandma." I reply.

"Ok. Got it." He laughs.

"Jack and Jack. Come rehearse." A stage director calls Jack and Jack out.

They leave and we continue making Vines until everyone is done with sound check.

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