n i n e t e e n

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The next day we decided would be a lazy day as we have most of the day on the road.

Basically, we're going to eat junk and watch movies, things like that.

I put on my glasses and walk out to the main living area to see Calum and matt sat one of the sofa.

"Morning Kara." Matt smiles, moving a bit so I can sit down.

"Morning Matt. Morning Cal." I reply sitting down.

"I'm so glad we have a lazy day today. I'm really tired." Calum laughs.

"So am I." I nod in agreement.

I talk to them for a while before we go into the kitchen to get breakfast to find rest of the boys attempting to make cupcakes.

"Morning Kara." Aaron smiles.

"Morning Aaron, what on earth are you doing?" I laugh sitting on one of the stools.

"Trying to make cupcakes by the looks of it." Jaylee laughs from behind me.

"Morning Jay." Luke kisses the top of her head before turning back to the cakes.

"Luklee going strong." I laugh getting some cereal.

"Aww! She's blushing!" Nash laughs.

She rolls her eyes ans flips him off.

"Relationship goals, am I right?" Matt laughs, putting the cupcakes in the oven.

"You're wrong. Kaylor is relationship goals." Michael laughs.

Taylor smiles and trys to kiss my cheek.

"Let me kiss you!" He laughs trying to kiss me.

"No. Never." I laugh, putting some of the cake batter on his nose.

"You're going to regret that." He laughs, flicking batter at me.

Soon enough, we're having a food fight, all 16 of us covered in cake batter.

"Guys! The cupcakes are done!" Matt says, taking the cupcakes out.

"THEY'RE TOO HOT!" Luke shouts taking a bite of one.

"Let them cool and take a shower Luke." Jaylee laughs.

I nod and get into the shower first, washing off all of the cake mix.

I change into some comfortable clothes before going out and putting the cupcakes on a plate and sitting in the back room.

I eat a cupcake while I wait for the rest of them to come out.

"Can I have a cupcake?" Taylor asks sitting next to me.

I nod and hand him the plate.

Soon enough everyone's had a shower and we're all sat in the back room, eating cupcakes.

"Guys, we're coming closer to the venue and there's so many fans waiting!" Jaylee laughs.

"There is. I'm going to get changed so I don't look like a mess." I laugh, walking out to the other room.

I change quickly into some blue jeans, my "I don't trust me either" top and black studded boots. I put on some rings and put in some green contacts.

I put my hair in a ponytail and put on a little bit of makeup.

Jaylee wears some black skinny jeans, a white top and a leather jacket with her black converse and a beanie.

I go out to the back room and we all head off of the bus to meet fans.

"Let's go meet fans." Taylor laughs, putting his arm around my shoulder.

I smile, leaning into him a bit.

We get off of the bus to hear to screams of many fangirls.

The boys stop to take pictures with some people as Jaylee and I stand a bit away.

"Kara! Jaylee!" One girl calls us over.

"Oh my god, hi! I love you guys so much you're so pretty. Can I get a picture?" She asks.

"Of course." I smile.

She hands me her phone and I take a photo of all three of us.

I hand it back to her and we hug her before going back to the boys.

"Hey, saw you have some fans." Taylor laughs.

"Yeah, apparently so! We should probably go into sound check now." I smile hugging him.

We gather up all the boys, and Jaylee, and go into the venue.

I sit at the side of the stage like I do every sound check, watching everyone practice.

After sound check we sit backstage, eating some of the food they have there.


It comes to the question segment of the show, and of course Jayee and I have to go out.

I take a seat between Taylor and Jack Johnson.

Ashton reads the questions from his phone, some girls shouting as well.

"Why does Kara's eye colour change daily?" One girl shouts.

"I have coloured contacts." I smile.

The whole thing goes really well, and we end up dancing at the end again.

"Thank you all for coming out tonight! We love you. Goodnight!" Calum calls and we walk off stage.

"That was fun." I say, as we walk back to the bus.

"It was really good tonight." Aaron laughs.

We continue to talk about everything and anything until we get on to the bus.

We decided to go straight to bed, even though we have no where to go tomorrow.

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