e l e v e n

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The next morning, I was woken by the sound of my phone going off.

I groaned and saw I had an incoming call from the agency.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Kara, it's Mia." I heard one if the girls who work in the office say.

"Hi Mia. What's up?" I asked, walking out on to the balcony.

"We have some bad news for you Kara. Your mum couldn't bear telling you so I got the job of telling you."

"Telling me what?" I started panicking, what could have happened?

"Well, Kara, your sister, Millie was on a mission and she got shot, she's dead." She said quietly.

"No. Millie isn't dead. She can't be." I tryed to convice myself she was alive.

"I'm so sorry Kara. I didn't want to have to tell you." Her voice was quiet, and she sounded as if she was upset.

"Ok. Well, I better go Mia. Bye." I ended the call and looked at the time.


I still had a few hours before anyone else would wake up, so I decided to go for a run.

I walked back into my room and changed into some black jogging bottoms and a white sports bra.

I put on my black trainers and put my hair in a ponytail.

I grabbed my phone and headphones and started playing music as I went downstairs to have a drink.

Suprisingly, I haven't cried about Millie's death yet. I guess it hasn't set in yet.

I sighed and went outside to start my run.

I ran around the whole premises of the house for as long as I could.

Turned out that was a few hours.

I love running, it not only helps keep myself fit, but it clears my mind.

I walked back inside and straight into the kitchen to get a drink.

"Where have you been?" I heard a voice behind me that made me jump and choke on my drink.

I started coughing and the mystery man came over and tryed to stop me from choking.

"You ok Kara?" I looked up and saw Johnson.

"No." I muttered.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I guess you went for a run?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did. And I'm just not in the mood today Jack. I got some terrible news this morning." I sighed, leaning against the counter.

"What happened?" He asked.

"My sister died." I said, trying not to cry.

"Oh my god Kara. I'm so sorry." He hugged me.

"It's not your fault. You didn't do anything." I closed my eyes.

"It must hurt so bad." He says.

I nod, and that's when I start crying.

When I start, I can't stop. So I'm stood crying into Jack's shoulder, while he trys to comfort me.

Slowly the boys come down, all of them asking what's wrong and Jack explaining for me, because I'm too upset to speak.

"What the fuck did you do to her Jack?" Jaylee shouts when she sees me crying.

"Nothing! Her sister died and I was trying to comfort her!" He puts his hands in the air.

Jaylee's expression goes from angry to sad.

"Mill's dead?" She whispers.

"Y-yeah. Mia called this morning." I wipe my eyes and look at her.

"Millie's dead." She repeats.

She keeps repeating that for a while before Eric walks in, looking as sad as me.

"Have you heard?" He asks.

"Yeah. I already miss her a lot." I sigh.

"We all do. We're a family at E.S.S all of us. And to lose a family member hurts. Anyway, tonight is your last night here before tour, so tell everyone they need to dress up nicely because you're all going out for a fancy meal." He smiles rubbing my back before walking out.

"Guys." Jaylee shouts, "We're going out for a fancy meal tonight so dress nicely."

I walk upstairs to take a shower and change in to comfortable clothes before going back down.

Everyone is sat in the living room, watching a movie in their pajamas as we have most of the day left before we go out.

"Come sit with me." Johnson offers, moving so there's space.

I smile and sit between him and Aaron.

"You ok?" Aaron askes.

"Not really." I sigh leaning against him.

"You'll heal. With time." He smiles and diverts his attention back to the film.

We watch whatever they had on before Jaylee decides to get pizza for lunch.

The rest of the afternoon is spent watching films or making small talk.

"Right. Let's get changed for this meal them." Jaylee smiles standing up.

I go into mine and Jaylee's room to find something to wear.

I end up with a white lacy dress, pair with black tights and my black converse because I can't stand wearing heels.

I straighten my hair and put in my bright blue contacts.

For makeup I just apply some eyeliner, mascara, concealer and some pink lip stick.

Jaylee wears a purple dress with a black jacket and purple heels.

She curls her hair and applys some makeup.

We both grab our purses and walk downstairs to the boys.

"Wow." Michael breathes.

"You look amazing." Shawn smiles at us.

"You don't look too shabby yourself." I say admiring how they look in suits.

Because damn do they look good in suits.

I had to act like I was happy, not like I was sad, even though it was difficult.

--- (Skip to restaurant) ---

I sat between Taylor and Hayes, Jayles opposite me between Luke and Cameron.

"You feeling any better now Kara?" Taylor asks.

I shrug, "I won't be better for a while. I was really close to my sister."

Taylor nods as if he understands, and turns his attention to the conversation.

The whole evening is filled with jokes and talk while we eat.

It was an amazing meal, and it took my mind off of Millie.

We head back home to see Eric talking to a man.

"What's going on Eric?" Jaylee asks as we walk over to them.

"This is your bus driver Dave. We've packed all of your stuff on to the bus. So, if you want to get everyone in, then you can get going." He smiles at us.

"Ok. We'll see you soon Eric." I smile hugging him before telling all of the boys and getting in the bus.

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