t w e n t y f i v e

52 0 14


The whole thing with Jaylee and Luke has made everything really tense between everyone.

The next morning is spent with everyone trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Kara, can I talk to you?" Matt asks, standing up.

"Yeah sure." I smile and we walk into the bunk area.

"Ok, what's up?" I ask.

"Ok, so, I need to tell you something important. I have a girlfriend and I was wondering, can she join us for the rest of tour?" He asks, speaking quickly.

"I suppose so. Just make sure she doesn't blow our cover. What's her name anyway?" I laugh.

"Her name is Molly. Here, I've got a picture of her." He smiles and shows me a picture of a girl.

She has long black hair and bright blue eyes, kind of like Nash's.

She's really pretty.

"She's pretty." I smile at Matt.

"She is, I'm a lucky man." He smiles.

We walk out so Matt can tell the others about Molly.

"Guys. I need to tell you something. My girlfriend Molly is coming to stay with us on tour." Matt says in a rush.

"Ok, and?" Cameron laughs.

"Just thought I'd say." Matt shrugs, sitting by Hayes and Carter.

"Great. Two couples." Jaylee mutters, she's been sour since the break up last night.

I choose to ignore her, and sit by Taylor, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey cutie." He smiles, kissing my head.

"Hey Tay." I reply, looking up at him.

"I'm going to get changed so I'm ready for sound check." Jaylee says, walking out.

"I'm a fucking idiot." I hear Luke say when Jaylee walks out.

"No, dude, it's my fault. I'm so sorry I ruined your relationship." Michael replies.

"I over reacted, but why the fuck would you kiss my girlfriend?" Luke asks.

"I'm so sorry man." Michael sounds genuinely upset at this point.

"Whatever." Luke mutters.

I roll my eyes, and decide to go on twitter for a bit.

"Oh I forgot to say, you'll be able to meet Molly later at sound check." Matt smiles.

"Cool. I'm excited to meet her." I smile.

Jaylee walks out after wearing a red top, light blue shorts, a black cardigan, a beanie with cat ears and her platform trainers.

I decide it would be a good idea to get changed as we had about 10 minutes until sound check.

I choose my "Pizza can't make me cry" top, light blue shorts, like Jaylee's, a patterned cardigan and some black and white heels.

I also wear some necklaces and a watch.

I put in my bright blue contacts before brushing my hair and putting on a little bit of makeup.


I sit on the edge of the stage, like I usually do, watching everyone rehearse.

I sit singing along to Jack and Jack quiety as they rehearse.

I feel a presence behind me, and turn to see Shawn.

"Hey." I smile standing up.

"Hey Kara." He replies, "I heard you singing."

"Oh my god." I mutter.

"You're really good." He says.

"I'm not." I laugh.

"You are." He insists.

This carries on until Jack and Jack come off.

"Guys. Tell Kara she's a really good singer." Shawn says as they walk over.

"I've never heard her, so I can't say." Gilinsky laughs.

"Sing for us girl." Johnson demands.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why not?" Shawn asks with a grin.

"Because I'm bad."

"Just sing." Johnson groans.

"GUYS! MOLLY'S HERE!" I hear Matt yell.

"Saved by the Matt." I laugh, running off.

"Sing for us later then! I'll make you!" I hear Shawn shout.

I laugh and run into one of the rooms to see everyone sat, while Matt's introducing the girl who I'm assuming is Molly.

I put my finger up to my lips before going behind Matt.

"Matt!" I shout pushing him slightly making him jump.

"Jesus christ Kara! Don't do that to me!" He turns to me.

"Sorry Matthew. Anyway, is this Molly?" I ask.

Matt nods.

"Hi! It's really nice to meet you, I'm Kara." I smile.

"I'm Molly." She says, smiling widely.

The rest of sound check is spent with us all just messing about in the back room.

"5 minutes until you go on stage." A man comes in.

We all stand up and head towards the stage.

We get called on in small groups and take our seats on the side of the stage.

I sit between Aaron and Taylor, as always.

Jaylee is next to Carter on the end and Molly is sat next to Matt and Luke.

I watch all the performances before we get to the question part.

"Why aren't Jaylee and Luke sat together?" One girl asks.

"They fought." Calum says quickly.

We sit answering questions for ages.

"Who's the girl with Matt?" Someone asks.

"My beautiful girlfriend Molly." Matt replies proudly.

"She's really pretty!" One girl calls out, making Molly blush slightly.

"That's all we have time for! Thank you all for coming tonight!" Aaron says, and we all wave before walking off of the stage.

"I love your shirt Kara." Hayes laughs reading it.

"Thank you. Pizza will never make me cry. Unless it has something really spicy on it. I hate spicy stuff." I say.

Hayes grins evily, "Ghost chillie challenge for your YouTube channel?"

"No. Never." I shake my head.

"Yes. On Friday at the show." He says.

Today's Wednesday, so two days from today.

"No way." I reply.

"Yes way. I'll get everyone to do it, and I'll bring a lot of milk." He smiles.

I end up giving in and we tell everyone else who, surprisingly, agree to it.

I change into my pyjamas and sit in the room with Jaylee and Molly, talking for ages before we all go to sleep.

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