t h i r t y t h r e e

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The next morning is spent with us designing the new bus, which surprisingly wasn't that hard.

We decided we would have 2 proper bedrooms, one for the 4 girls and a larger bedroom for the 17 boys with a couple of spare beds in each room in case we had new people.

We had 3 bathrooms, 2 for the boys and 1 for us girls as there were less of us.

We had a nice kitchen, a large games room to entertain our needs.

We had a "chill room" as we call it which had a projector for us to watch films or TV, we had 3 sofas, a couple of chairs and beanbags on the floor.

Basically is was the dream tour bus for us.

"What are we going to do for the rest of the day?" I ask.

"Want to meet some friends who also happen to be on tour here?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, sure." Jaylee smiles.

"Who is it?" Carter asks.

"The All Time Low boys." Ashton giggles.

"Awesome. Where are we meeting them?" Taylor asks.

"Would you like to see Mia and Jack making out you man whore?" Calum sasses.

"Mia wouldn't cheat on me." Taylor growls.

"And I never thought you would cheat on me." I roll my eyes.

He sucked in a breath and walked off, almost like I had hurt him.

Well, he deserves it because he hurt me.

"Bye dickhead." Jaylee laughs, "Anyway, should we go?"

I nod, adjusting my beanie slightly.

"Oh Kara. Eric said you could take your bandages off today." Jaylee reminds me.

"Yeah, thanks." I smile, taking it off revealing a scar.

"Cool." I laugh, looking at it.

Michael laughs and we decide to walk to the pizza place we're meeting them.


"Alex!" Calum shouts to a blue haired man.

He waves us over and we all sit around the large table, the All Time Low guys greeting us.

"Hi. I'm Alex." The blue haired one smiles.

"Jack." A boy with a blonde streak through his hair says.

"I recognise you from somewhere." Jaylee says to him.

"Probably the time when I esckrted you back to the hotel because you were pissed drunk." He laughs.

"Oh yeah." Jaylee giggles.

"Anyway, I'm Rian." Another brown haired one smiles.

"I'm Zach." The last one grins at us.

We introduce ourselves before deciding to order something to eat.

I choose a meat feast and Jaylee picks a peperoni. Molly picks the same as me.

We end up talking about music pretty much the whole time we eat.

"Want to go watch a movie?" Zach asks.

We all agree on going to watch The Gift.

Somhow, none of us had got recognised until we reached the cinema.


"Oh my god. KAYLEE!" Another one shouts out.

"Run!" Luke shouts and we run into the cinema where a member of staff guides us into a screening room and locks the door.

"You guys seem pretty popular." She laughs.

"I guess we are." Calum grins.

"What have you come to watch?" She asks.

"The Gift." Cam replies.

"Ok, well sit down. The film will start in a minute." She smiles and walks out.

"Thanks!" Nash calls after her.

We all sit down, I was between Sammy and the new kid Daniel.

Jaylee was obviously between Luke and Nate.

Soon enough, the film had finished, and it was amazing! There were some jump scares, but it wasn't terrifying. I loved it and would happily watch it again.

"What should we do now?" Carter asks.

"Want me to show you where I hid when I ran away?" I laugh.

Jaylee nods.

I lead the way into the forest Johnson and Sammy found me in to see a figure hunched over staring at the river.

"Cody?" I say, making him turn to face me.

The others stay in the forest as I make my way over to him.

"Kara." He smiles, pulling me in to his chest.

"Hey Cody." I giggle, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Kardy?" I hear Jaylee laugh.

"Is that our ship name?" Cody laughs as everyone comes over to us.

"Yes." Luke nods.

"Luklee." Cody chuckles.

"Still shipping it." I laugh, leaning into Cody who still has his arm around me.

"Everyone does." Jack shouts out making Jaylee blush.

We all sit down and just talk about anything and everything until the sun starts setting.

"Text me, ok?" Cody says, pulling me in for another hug.

"I will." I laugh, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.

"I'll see you when I next see you." He laughs.

"Bye Cody." I wave as we leave him with his thoughts.

We get back to the hotel and I kind of just flop on to my bed.

Sleep takes over my body as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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