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My brother helped me on this one. So shoutout to him (even though he doesn't have a Wattpad account)!!!!!

1. That Awkward Moment when you reach for money to pay for your fast food and you realize you forgot your wallet.

2. That awkward moment when your mom calls you by your full name in front of your friends.

3. That awkward moment when you're trying to tell a funny story but you mess up some of it and now it's no longer funny.

4. That awkward moment when you are eating with your friends and they ask you a question but you've just taken a bite so you have to chew and swallow before answering.

5. That awkward moment when you're eating a sandwich with your friends and one of the ingredients fall out and it's too dirty to put back in but it's your favorite ingredient.

6. That awkward moment when you realize you left your phone in the car after you'd gotten out of it so you go back to the car to get it but then you realize it was in your back pocket the entire time.

Now that's funny!!! Right?

Comment some Jokes or Awkward Moments of Funny Times In Your Life or Riddles or Yo Mama Jokes!!!!! And if I think they are funny, I'll post it and give you a shoutout!!!

For every comment and vote on each chapter I will add it up and I will write that many jokes!!!

So vote and comment on your favorite!!

D.D is out!!!! PEACE!!!!!😎😎✌️✌️


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