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After a crazy day at work, I mean Patricia got a very important project, she had lunch with me, she made me angry as always, so to get over my bad mood, I do what I always do when I'm mad or sad, I work. I bury myself in so much work that I don't realize the time has gone by. My phone starts ringing, I look for it under the piles of paper on my desk,and I finally find it ,I look at the caller ID and its Mark.

'where the hell are you mehn?.' Mark says immediately I pick up,I smile a little because the way he said that all gangster ish is funny because of his British accent.

'I'm still at work.' I say

'dude the time is 8:00pm,come home right now, Martha prepared something amazing for dinner, you don't wanna hurt her feelings by not coming home.'

yhep Mark is staying at my place now, while he is in town, he is like a brother to me so why stay in a hotel plus the house he has here, he leased it out to someone for a year.

'of course I don't wanna hurt Marthy, I'm coming home okay, so chill, you know sometimes you sound like you're my wife.' I say and I hear him chuckle.

'okay, see you in a bit bro.' he says and I hang up, arrange the papers on my desk,shut down my computer, take my briefcase,turn of the lights, go down the elevator, and to my car where Donald my driver is waiting for me.

'hello Donald ,sorry for keeping you waiting this long, It slipped my mind that you were still here.' I said feeling really bad he had been waiting here since after lunch.

'good evening sir, no worries there, where to?' he said with so much respect.


I said goodbye to Donald and he headed straight to the servants quaters. As I got into the house I was welcomed by an amazing aroma.

'finally you're back,I almost started eating without you, come on sit down lets start eating, I'm so hungry.'

Martha came in gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead.

'Benji you're over working yourself, you should have been home earlier, you two are workaholics.' Martha said pointing between Mark and I.

'well Marthy, you are the one who taught us to be hardworking, and the company won't run itself.' I said taking my suit jacket off and taking my place at the table.

'all work and no play makes Benji and Mark dull boys.' Martha stated firmly,as Mark tried to put the spaghetti in his mouth, Martha hit his hand with a wooden spoon, he dropped his fork and he pouted like a little child. I laughed at their little exchange.

'have you boys lost your morals, you must pray before you eat.' Martha scolded. We loved Martha but sometimes she was scarier than my mum. After the prayer,Martha let us eat,finally.

'Marthy, please join us, the food is absolutely delicious, Mark said in a muffled tone cause his face was stuffed with spaghetti.

'its okay, I've had my dinner,and I left some for Donald to heat up.' she said.

Martha watched us eat like hungry animals and sighed.

'you know I wish the both of you would just find yourselves good women, get married,settle down and have kids.' she said smiling warmly at both of us.

I and Mark froze, and started choking on our food,Martha gave us water to calm us down.

'Martha you act like you don't know Mark, he'll never settle down,he's always chasing skirts, he is what our generation would call a player.' I said

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