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I wish today was a Friday but Nooooooo its a dang Thursday,the past two days have been the most confusing days of my life. The boss has been nice to the girls,Christy and Vee. He has been courteous with Vanessa but with me,he has been a complete stranger; nice,caring,considerate and a perfect gentleman.I'm sure he's a twin and the nice twin has stolen his identity,that is the only explanation I can come with that does not involve the fact that the boss might actually be flirting with me cause that's crazy right?.

Mark walks out of the elevator in a power suit and we all stand to greet him,do not think I missed all the secret smiles and glances that was going on between Vee and Mark. Mark enters into Benjamin's office and after 30 minutes of preparing for the meeting Benjamin and I have with Mark. I knock on the door with my laptop on my left hand and a couple of files on my other hand. I stand outside the boss's office wondering how I'm going to knock at the door,and then it comes to me I kick the door twice and after a few seconds Benjamin opens the door,he is all over me,helping me carry the load in my hands. He pulls out a seat for me next to Mark and he takes a sit in front of us. We need a second opinion on the presentation Benjamin and I have prepared. Mark gives us creative criticism which was very helpful. I looked up and I caught Benjamin staring at me,that made me squirm uncomfortably in my seat.

After a few hours,progress had been made and I was glad it was almost lunch time so I can stuff my face in the company of my girls.

'great work Trish,I knew you could do it.' Mark said

'thanks but I can't take all the credit,the boss's contribution was very helpful.' I replied.

'honestly I cannot believe I'm saying this but you're an excellent professional.' Benjamin said, I could see the difficulty he was facing admitting that.

'well I'm leaving,I have lunch plans.' Mark said.

'do you by any chance have a date with a blonde,blue eyed,spontaneous chick named Vee.' I ask searching his eyes for evidence.

'what, me and Vee,you are crazy.' he said while backing out the door quickly and he closed it behind him.

Both Benjamin and I chuckle at Mark's reaction. yhep something is definately up with them.

'so how about,you, me and lunch.' Benjamin said while walking closer to me.

'no no there's no need.' I say taking a several feet backward.

'come on Trish don't be a party popper,lets have lunch,you know what we are having lunch and that's an order.'he says with finality in his tone.

'of course.' I say.

I leave his office,grab my bag and I notice Vee is gone.The boss comes out of his office.

'are you ready.' he asked.

I nodded ,Christy gave me this we will discuss this later face while Vanessa gave me the extra stinky eye. We get to the restaurant and I realize he already had reservations,since when, I have no idea. Maybe I was wrong about him being nice,I mean he practically forced me into having lunch with him.

Immediately the waiter serves the food, I dig in cause I'm so freaking hungry. I realize that the boss is staring and I'm immediately conscious of my posture and eating etiquette .

'with all due respect sir, it is rude to stare.' I state.

'well for some reason watching you is more fulfilling than any meal.' he said . Oh no,why did he have to use such a corny line.

'Sir, I know we don't have the best relationship,but you can trust me,and tell me anything. If you ever need to talk to some one you can talk to me.' I state seriously because he might be going through something that is making his attitude change.

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