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After giving myself to him the first time, I couldn't stop, I always wanted him and he never failed to take me, never missing an opportunity,wherever. On his office desk, in the conference room, in my childhood room while over having dinner with dad, virtually anywhere you can think of. These five months of us being together has been absolute and pure bliss. Though Anna was living with me fully, I was too stuck in cloud 9 to be bothered by her presence.

My reverie was interrupted by the ding of the elevator. I stood up immediately to greet the boss as usual but with a very flamboyant smile. It's so weird how I've gone from hating him to completely falling for him. He smiled at me and I smiled back before he entered his office.

"so whats up with the secret smiles huh, Oh my goodness, you have given up your cookie haven't you, no wonder you've been glowing" Vee stated the obvious knowingly. I hushed Vee immediately and went back to my desk.

I promise Vee to tell her what ever she wants to know later and I scurry off to go make Benji's daily dose of coffee.  I enter his office and I drop the coffee on his desk carefully. I don't want my clumsy streak to hit this morning. Instead of saying thank you he got up from his, grabbed me from behind and pecked me behind my ear. I could already feel the shivers go up my spine and I knew if I didn't stop him now, I will be on his desk very naked and pleasured.

" As much as I would not want to stop. I have a lot of work to do majorly because we haven't be doing much work at all."

"fine, I get it, you love your work more than you love me." Benji said whilst pouting.

"oh God, Benjamin you're such a big baby. come on, cut it out and get back to work" I said while I kissed him, before I exited his office.

I kept working late while everyone went home.Vee and Christy had already left, while the boss and Vanessa were still working, I went to the bathroom to pee. When I got out of the the bathroom, heading to my desk to I saw Benjamin and Vanessa break from a kiss. My eyes bulged out and I was almost sure they would pop out of their sockets. Well this was interesting but I wasn't gonna act like I was affected by it.

So I cleared my throat and Vanessa excused herself and walked into the elevator by winking at me and swaying her hips flirtatiously, knowing fully well Benjamin was watching. Urgh! After the elevator closed shut  I felt Benjamin's presence behind me. I was so upset. I just reached out to pick up my coat and handbag. I set out to head to the elevator.

"Woah woah woah, where you going?" He said and suddenly he was in front of me blocking my sweet exit through the elevator. I tried to shuffle passed him but he kept stepping in my way.

" what do you want" I spat.

"babe what's wrong?"

" nothing is wrong okay, I just wanna go home."

"home, I thought we had plans" he said, while grabbing me by the waist.

"let go" I said and pushed him away

" what's the problem?"

" wow, playing dumb now are we, but don't worry I'll tell you. uhmm I saw you and Miss Vanessa getting very cozy a few minutes ago and don't worry about me I'm all good." I said and walked away as fast as I could not even caring to answer him while he called my name repeatedly.

He's an idiot if he thinks I'm just gonna let him disrespect me like that. I was too upset and I drove home furious, proud that I stood up for standing up for myself but sad that he's no different from the cheating bastards all over the world.


Short chapter I know, but I'm back and you'll get the long and interesting chapters you all deserve.

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                              Sharon Regae xxx

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