Chapter one

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(This chapter has been rewritten due to shitty content)

Louis' POV 

         I'm sitting in class staring at the clock watching the hour slowly near an end as my teacher is giving a speech about drunk driving. The last bell of the day goes off and I gather my things and make my way out of the room. I go straight to my locker and put my things away and head for the exit. I'm almost there when I trip and fall, the contents of my bag spew out. I look up to see the one and only Zayn Malik with a little smirk across his face. Zayn is the hottest guy in the school. If you don't want him you wanted to be him. He's the cliche high school bully. Hes all mysterious with his bad boy ways. If he weren't such an asshole I could see why people like him. He spit out a couple hateful comments before topping it off with a kick to the stomach. I curl up in a ball before slowly up the contents of my bag and putting them away making sure to zip up my bag this time.

       I'm kind of a loser. I don't really have any friends. People are nice to me and act friendly but no one ever goes out of their way to hang out with me. Which I mean isn't all their fault because i'm not one for socializing much. Ever since my mom passes away a couple years ago i haven't said a word. Things were shitty before she passed but at least I still had her around. She was the only one that accepted and cared for me. I came out three months before my mother died and she was always loving. My step dad on the other hand has hated me ever sense. He didn't say much when my mom was around but now its the only thing that comes out of his mouth. He's always trying to blame me being gay on why my mother died I know that's not the case but it still hurts to hear.

      I finally arrive home after a long day to be greeted by my step father. Well not really greeted because the first words out of his mouth were that i'm late. And by late he means 10 minutes late due to the little altercation in the hallway after school today. I know he doesn't actually care he just wants another excuse to yell at me. Don't get me wrong my dads not a complete monster hes pretty loving to my sisters but when he gets around me he just completely changes. He does have and alcohol problem but he never drinks in front of the girls and at least plays off being sober at dinner.

       After checking to make sure all the girls made it home they give me hugs and I head off to my room. I clean up a few things and turn on some music and lay on my bed. I scroll through tumblr for a while and decide I need to be productive. I get out of bed and begin to make dinner. Nothing special due to the fact I can't cook I just make some chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. My sisters run to the kitchen smelling the food and they all sit down for dinner my dad joining them. I take my food to my room considering my dad doesn't allow me to sit with them.


Harry's POV

      I'm packing up the last of my belongings when I hear my parents call for me from downstairs. We're getting ready to move once again. We're going back to England some place called Doncaster. I grew up In England but my dad got a job offering in Florida so we've been living here for the past five years, we moved here when I was 11. My closest friends are all scattered around my yard when I walk out. Cher and Lou run up and hug me they're both in tears. Ed and Kevin stand there waiting for the girls to detach themselves from me. And they give me quick little bro hugs and we all say our good byes as I get in the car to make my flight.

      Nine hours later and we finally land. My parents and I get our things and make our way to our to our new home. Its in a nice neighbor hood it seems to be pretty quiet around here, so far everyone seems friendly. I don't want to jinx that so hopefully tomorrow my first day of school goes well. As soon as we walk in through the door I head straight to my room and lay down , I spend the majority of the night texting my friends back home. I finally fall asleep around 3am i'm already going to start my first day out on the wrong foot.


I tried to keep everything relatively the same but better so yeah. Thank you for being so patient.  

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