Chapter 11

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Harry's pov

I sit there next to his lifeless body. I feel myself start to cry. What if he dies! I start sobbing. I grab his hand and squeezed it as tight as possible to see if this is just a joke... But he doesn't react at all. The doctor comes in to check on him and to see if I needed anything,she got me a coffee.i sit here with Louis by my side for hours and hours, I say to myself I will not leave this hospital till this boy wakes up!!! And as if on Que. in walks a nurse, she then says "mr styles you need to leave now visiting hours are over." M not leaving till he wakes up! I shout. She then says "you can come back at 5:00am and see him again. We be looking forward to your visit." I still refuse. She then calls security,and I'm escorted out the building. I drive as slow as possible to pass Time hope in that it'll be 5 soon. As soon as I get home I text Liam and Niall, the rush over as fast as a blink of an eye. I run into nails arms and start crying my eyes out.


Liam ,Niall and I are watching a couple films. When i hear someone opening the front door. I sit there frozen starring at the door thinking that Zayn and his friends are back to get me!!! But when Ashlea walks through the door i calmly walk over to greet her! And in walks Lauren,Stormi,and Samantha. Samantha looks like she just got attacked by a wolf!!! Ashlea then speaks up and says well Samantha wasn't to easy to wake up soo that explains why she looks like she just got in a fight with a gorilla!! Samantha then laughs and and says "hey!!" And smacks Ashlea in the back of the head. "May I go use the ladies room to freshen up?" Samantha asks. I point her toward the toilets and i took a set on the couch. Samantha comes back out and takes a set next to Liam,Stormi next to me,Lauren on the other side,and Ashlea in-between Lauren and Niall. We watch the Telly for a while, and then there's a knock at the door. Liam gets up to answer the door, but before he can even grab the door knob the door flies open! Bet you cat guess who it was? If u guessed Zayn you are correct! He walkes in and grabs me by the neck of my shirt! Stormi then yells "call the cops!!!" I struggle to get out of his grip but I fail he punches me in the stomach and I fall to the ground!!! I don't know where lam is Samantha and Stormi ate yell at Zayn not wanting to get hurt as well. Ashlea watching in horror Niall tries to get Zayn away but fails and gets punched in the throat! "Get the fuck off him!!" Stormi yells and grabs Zayn by the back of his shirt. He doesn't want to hurt a girl so he does nothing but takes a step backward. Stormi and Ashlea come to my side. Stormi runs to get a 1st aid kit. She fixes me up and her and Niall lay me on the couch. Samantha goes to find Liam. He had just hung the phone up with the cops. By the time they walk out the kitchen Zayn is long gone Niall went running for him but Zayn was to fast. It's now 4:30 so we decide to drive to the hospital. We shortly arrive at the hospital. It's just now opening for visitors. We walk in and the nurse right away says "MR.Styles back already are we? Oh and we brought some friends!" She showed us to Louis room and he looked worse than yesterday!!! :( I fell to my knees and started to cry I then black out and I feel like I'm falling at 100miles per hour. I hear the screams if the girls. I just don't care anymore and I let myself fall even faster into the black whole.


Okay lovelies well that's all for now pls comment vote and follow tell me what u think about the story so far I really want to know!!! Okay kisses💋💄 bye!!🙋👋✌

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