Chapter 5

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Okay this is going to be a longer chapter cause all the other ones have been really I hope you like it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Louis' pov

I woke up and Harry and I where in the same position as last night. Harry was still asleep. He looks cute when he's asleep. I go to get out of bed and Harry pulls me back down? So I lay there until Harry wakes up. He woke up in a wink of an eye and he was just staring into my eyes?we layed there for a while until Niall woke up whining that he was hungry and that we needed to make pancakes. Harry and I both got up to make Niall breakfast I was standing there making eggs when two strong arms wrapped around my waist I turned around to see it was Harry. I gave him a confused look and he said"you left me this morning so you owe me!"I got butterflies in my stomach when he said that! But the thing is I've only known him for a DAY and this boy gets me overwhelmed, when ever I see him he makes me smile I just can't help it he's so... Perfect! It's now Saturday and I'm staying the rest of the weekend at Harry's as well are Liam and Niall! Harry found out that his parents won't be back till Wednesday so I'm going to be dating for awhile! Liam and Niall can't thoe sadly. :(

Harry's pov

Okay so Louis doesn't hate me at all! I even wrapped my arms around him earlier and e didn't seem to care so yeah!! He is staying till Wednesday so that's like the best thing ever!!!!R Right now we are all watching "The Blind Side" it's at the part where Michel is at his first football game! Niall is sitting in front of the tv,Liam in a chair, me and Louis on the couch Louis on one side me on the other.3or four movies later Liam is asleep Niall is dosing off Louis and I are still up watching oddly enough Hanna Montana the movie! Haha lol! :) Louis and I somehow move closer to each other and I have my head on his shoulder! He smells really good like vanilla and he's very comfy so I don't plan on moving and time soon! In the morning I wake to Niall and Liam saying something that sounds like where's you phone I need to take a picture then one says here it is then I hear a snapping sound and see a faint light go off. I open my eyes to see that they have taken a picture of me and Louis! I look down and my arm is wrapped around Louis shoulder and he has his arms wrapped around my waist with his head on my chest! Oh how i wish we could stay like this for ever! But I barley know the boy and I'm pretty sure that he's not gay!

Louis pov

I wake to Harry yelling. When I open my eyes he is chasing Niall and Liam around the house saying delete it now!!!! I get up and walk to where the boys where running about and they all freeze. Harry walks over and puts his arm around me and says" sorry we woke ya babe!" Furrow my eyebrows and he just laughs. I look up at him and smile.we all eat a quick breakfast and head out to do something considering it was Liam and Nialls last day at Harry's. we end up going to the roller ring there's also a arcade there so there was more to do!we where all skating to the song "22" by Taylor Swift when the song changes to a slow song, the person on the over head announces that its time for couple skate. Liam and Niall leave right away. Harry looks over at me and puts his hand out for me to take so I do.

Harry's pov

I suck at skating I've only been like once before this! I wasn't thinking and I trip over my own feet and fall to the ground!! Louis try's to help me up but he falls too! So were on the roller ring floor in the corner with no light. But I can still see Louis.

Louis's pov

We're sitting on the ground just staring in to each others eyes,when I knowtiss that Harry I leaning in closer to me? Is he trying to KISS me?his lips are about to touch mine when we hear Liam calling for us and he pulls away quickly and we both get up. We act as if nothing has happened.for lunch we go to McDonalds.After lunch we dropped off Niall and Liam at their own homes and we went back to Harry's house. When we got back to Harry's we had nothing to do so we decided to play this game that is called "truth". Basically what you do is one person will ask the other a question if they refuse to answer they have to remove a pice of clothing.i know it sounds weird but It will help us to get to know each other better and this way it will make you answer the question.i was up first."have you ever made out with your pillow?" I wrote down and showed it to Harry. He burst out laughing. After laughing he answered the question he answered YES!! Lol

Harry's pov

Now it was my turn so I asked" what was the name of you first girlfriend how old we're u when you dated her?" I then see that Louis froze at the question? He then took his shirt off that's being done he did not want to answer the question. I thought that was quite weird , but it's his choice if he wants to answer or not so yeah! I look over at Louis he is writing down a question. My eyes travel from his face to his chest and his abs he has a six pack. The question was "what is your deepest darkest secret?" "I promise I won't tell ANYONE!!" I start to think and I don't really have any secrets but then I realize the whole likening Louis thing and we have to answer or remove a item of clothing so I removed my shirt. now here we are two shirtless boys in the same Room and one is gay!!! What bad could happen!!

Louis pov

Harry took his shirt off he as well has a six pack fit little body he has there! So now I'm in the couch Harry on the chair and he's just staring at me it's kinda awkward!

Harry's pov

I have this urge to jump over the coffee table on to Louis and kiss him but I think he would hate me for ever. But then there is that saying "you never know till you try." By now I am tapping my foot before I know it I'm on top of Louis his eyes are popped out his head and he's shocked at what just happened!! Then I went in for it I couldn't help myself I wanted him sooo Bad!!! My lips are just about to touch his mum walks in! "Harry I just came back to get something's for the gir-"" aaaah!" Then she turned around on her heel and went back outside the house. My eyes are wide as I jump off Louis and run out the door to my mum.

Louis' pov

I sit there stunned. Harry just tried to kiss me... Again!!!! I mean not that im complaining I liked it! But This time I NEED to talk to him about this! Ten minutes later Harry and his mum walk in and she is smiling like crazy like she got a big box if carrots!!! She walks over to me and interduses Her self as do I. Well... harry does and explains that i dont talk.We walk in to the kitchen and Harry makes us tea. We sit there an talk (write) to each other. An hour later Mrs.Styles leaves. Harry and I are wide awake and it's like 10pm so we end up going tithe bar even though we have school tomorrow but whatever were rebels so thats how we roll!! I order Harry and I two bears Cause well Harry isn't allowed to drink but he gave me the puppy dog eyes so I had to! He's talking I'm texting him we are now on our 4th or 5th bear not really counting could be more! The sing thrift shop comes on and we go onto the dance floor and were both rapping to the song and slurring most the words but hey we're rebels so baa zing! We head back to get some more bear. 2 bears later harry looks over at me and smiles at me then leans in but before he gets close enough I grab his hand and drag him in to the bathroom and lock the door.

Harry's pov

Once we're in the bathroom I push Louis up against the wall and smash my lips to his. He kisses back and snakes his arms around my neck. I put a tighter grip on his waist to bring him closer to me if possible! We then think we should take this home so we gettin a cab and run to my room. I push Louis does on the bed.

Louis' pov

I'm laying in the bed and Harry jumps on me kissing my neck. He then stops and then whispers in my ear "you've had that shirt on For to long!" I then pull my shirt off and as well as Harry's. I then stop him from kissing me and shake my head as signaling him to stop. He gets it and "says to far?" I shake my head yes. We then go to sleep, Harry cuddled into my side and me with my arms wrapped around him. It 2am we need to go to sleep for school. I know why's your problem saying right now you barley Now him and you making out with him?!??! I know I know but it's different with him I feel like I've known him forever!


Sorry I lied about updating it yesterday I was busy and I had writers block sorry this chapter was crapy and short I tried my best!! Bye kisses

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