Chapter 3

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[warning pg 13] do not read if under age thx

Harry's pov

The hour went by rather fast when I finally worked up the nerve to talk to Harry the bell rang and class was dismissed. As I walked home from school I saw a little park so I thought I'd take a little walk. As I began to walk I realized how beautiful the canvas was really quite pretty! I stopped to rest and just say on a bench for why seemed like only a couple minutes that actually turned out to be hours! Then I saw the tomlin- Louis guy! I called him over and he looked around to see if I was talking to him or not.

Louis' pov

I heard someone call my name so I looked around to see that it was Harry! I walked over to him of course! I sat down next to him. And we just sat there in silence. Until this girl I recognize from school walks up ,brown curly like hair, brown eyes ,Lauren I believe the name was not sure never really talked to her. She seems to be nice but she's ways staring at me!

Harry's pov

It was all nice just the two of us till this girl comes over and says hi to Louis! But I mean its not like own him but hello I have a MAN crush on him yes MAN crush have a problem...? Didn't think so.then a minute if so later... Oh hell no here comes more girls!!! There's a short blond haired blue eyed girl who said her name was Ashlea, tall dirty blond brown eyed girl her name was Samantha,and a short brown eyed brown haired girl who's name I think cause I don't quite hear cause she's so shy like stormi I THINK !!! Not 100% sure but that's them!

Louis' pov

There is 4 girls standing around Harry and I and I would LOVE for them to go away cause Lauren is creeping me out!!! I sit there frozen an I don't move I've never had so many people talking at once (well at school but I usually have head phones in) there're talking about lip gloss WOW!!! I think Harry sees how tence I am and he grabs me by the hand a we walk away! The girls barley even realize we left cause they where so deep into conversation.harry turns to me after a long awkward silence to say "do you know where we are cause I'm completely lost!! I turn to him with a frightened look in my face! He then tells me to relax and that we will find our way out. It is now dark and we see the street lights so we walk in the direction of the light to find a road. He walks me home but we stand in the porch for what seemed like forever till my drunk father came out and yelled at me for being out after dark then slapping me across the face to where there was a hand print!!! Then turned to Harry and said who's this pice if shit Harry then says "hi sir I'm Harry,Harry styles." With his hand out stretched to shake my dads. My father just looks at it and then slaps his hand!!!

Harry's pov

Louis dad just slapped my hand really hat d and it stings!!! I look over at Louis who now has an apologetic look on his face and a big red swollen hand print on his cheek!!! His dad then locks the door and gets into a car and drives away. Louis then try's to open the door but fails. Then I suggest that he spends the night at my house. He accepts the offer and we walk to my house that's only Down the street. I call out "I'm home" no answer then I remember my sisters are at my aunts house my mom is at work as well is my dad. I turn to Louis with a creepy smile on my face and yell were home alone!!!! So that means we can do what ever we want!!!!!! I decide to invite a couple of friends from my home room Liam and Niall!!!! But I ask Louis first he shook his head yes!!! So let's get this ... "Party?" Started!!!!

Louis' pov

Okay so Harry is have over a couple if friends Liam and Niall! This should be fun hopefully they are nice maybe we can all be friends!?!?

~~~~~~~~10minutes later~~~~~~~

The door bell rings Harry calls out come in!!! The flies open and in come a shirt blond with beautiful blue eyes but not as beautiful as Harry's, and a somewhat tall boy with a buzz cut that you could still clearly tell his hair was brown, he also has brown puppy eyes. I can't wait to officially meet them!!! 

We all sit on the couch watching movies for about 5 hours and eating a BUNCH of junk food!!!! The boys are pretty cool!! Then Niall turns to Harry and says let's play truth or dare!!!! 

"I'll go first!" Says Niall." Harry truth or dare?" Harry replies dare!! 

"I dare you to..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~okay it's short but whatever!!! Hope you liked it!!! Probably not but yeah!!! Kisses!!! :) <3 ❤

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