Chapter 17

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Harry's pov

Today is going to be a day to just relax and hang out with the guys, have a little get together with everyone. At the moment Louis and I are watching "keeping up with the kardashtions" I really not know how he can watch that shit! The basically get paid to do nothing. AND WHO WOULD BAME THEIR POOR BABY NORTH WEST?!?! Okay okay I'm sorry.

Later Louis and I both agreed to call up the guys and the girls and have them over for a SLUMBER PARTY! This shall be funnnn! And it will be good for Louis to be around everyone regain some of his memory possibly. But Louis and I have to go do grown up stuff. AND NOT THAT KIND OF GROWN UP STUFF YOU DIRTY MINDED LITTLE PERVERT! We have to go shopping for food. Ya nasty!

hours later we all have our eyes glued to the telly watching "the heat" . Niall switches off the tv.

"IM BOREDDDDD!" He whines.

"THAN THAT MEANS...TIME FOR A DANCE PARTY!" Louis shouts. Running over to the Stereo.

22 by Taylor swift is now blasting at top volume. And the sad part is we all know single word and are all singing along. Louis has the voice of an angel may I mention. Nobody knows how to dance so it's pretty fun to have a dance party.

Louis and I are now doing a dance he came up with a while back called "stop the traffic let em through" and you can't forget the "pat the dog screw in the light bulb"

Some how about 10 minutes later we all Managed to make a small group of wild dancing people, and Louis fell on top of me after being pushed. And the music stopped and everything was completely quiet. We kinda just stayed there staring at each other. Louis leaned down just about to up his lips to mine, and got up and ran into the kitchen. I got up and chased him. We ran around for a while, when I finally caught him.
"I win!" I smiled.
"Oh yeah?" Louis whispered
"Yes,now where's my prize."
"I don't know if I wanna give it to you." He giggled
"Why not?" I pouted
"Alright fine!" He gave in.
I Leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
"EWWWW! GET A ROOM!" Niall yelled from he door way.

Okay it was short and shitty, but there was a little larry so yay! I hoped u liked it! Comment like/fav share, maybe! It would mean the world thank u for reading! Follow my twitter @1dlover70362

Send me a tweet! I promise ill reply! Okay byeeee love u my lovelies kisses! :)

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