Chapter 8

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Samantha's pov

~Tuesday morning~

Ashlea,Lauren,and stormi are standing at my locker talking about having a party this weekend,witch of course was Ashlea and stormi's idea but mostly Ashlea's!!! It's going to be at my house cause my mom is out for work this week and because I have the biggest house so yeah!!! And I'm about to say something about party food,when Liam walks over!! And then stormi starts talking about her rainbow hat (that she wears all the time even if its like 90• out!!) and Liam asks if he can talk to me Again! I say yes we go to the end of the lockers and then he says "Samantha what I was trying to say yesterday was... Will... Y-you .... Gooutwithme?!?) he says really fast! It takes me a minute to realize what he was saying. Then I scream and jump into his arms a say"yes,yes, a thousand times yes!!!!!" Then I realize what I just did I back up and say "yeah that sounds fun! :)" all cool like and smile. Liam smiles gives me a hug and walks over to a pretty comfy looking Harry and Louis with there arms around each other. Aww!! :) I then walk over to my friends and Lauren is teasing stormi about her "gay hat" [A/N ps don't take that as a bad thing or whatever it's something that's funny that we all joke about case it's a rainbow hat so yeah! :) ] And I yell guys Liam just asked me out !! They all shut up and smile. Ashlea hugs me and says Samantha you've like him seance like 4th grade!!!

Liam's pov

I walk over to Harry,Louis,and Niall talking about math homework we had last night none of the did it!!! "Haha you guys are gonna get ZAP!!! [A/N ZAp is something at our school if you don't do ur homework u go there during lunch and do homework but u do get to eat in there so it's not that bad but I wouldn't know I've never been to zap before so yeah!!:)]" guys guess what!!" I say Harry yells "chicken butt!!!" Every time I say "guess what he says chicken butt!" Hard once again NO!! I asked Samantha out!!! Well mate what did she say?" Niall says I look down at the ground Niall walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder. She said ..yes!! I yell ."you asswhole" Niall yells "you had me going!! " he says in a deep Irish accent.

Ashlea's pov

I walk over to Niall and the rest if his little group and yell "who's up for a party this weekend?!?!?" Niall asks in a serious voice "well?... Is there going to be food?" I ruffle his hair "of course there will be silly!!" Then in that case "yes!!!!!! :0" he yells. He turns and looks at the rest of the boys. Liam says "yea,I'm up for a party! :)" Harry looks at Louis and says " ill go if Louis goes! :)" Louis shakes his head yes! Harry says "yup ill go to!!!"I smile and walk away. Then I walk back and say bring a date it doesn't matter who just someone . Oh and spread the word around about the party ! Say it's at Samantha's house and they'll know where it's at! I say and wink at Niall and walk away.


The rest of the week was boring so I'm going to skip to the day of the party kAy? KaY! Kisses!

Harry's pov

The boys are all at my house we are getting ready to leave for the party!! Liam's wearing a Red plaid shirt with brown trousers, Niall a black T-shirt, a grayish blue zip up jacket and baggy blue jeans, Louis in something adorable as always a gray and blue striped shirt with white skinny jeans and if course his TOMS, and me in a gray blazer and a blue v- neck T-shirt and gray blue skinny jeans.


Okay short but sweet lol no! But that's the update for today!!! Maybe more tonight not sure! Bye 👋kisses💋💋!!!!

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