Chapter 14 part 2

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Harry's pov

"We'll my good news was that Louis should be awakening soon,like I said by the end of the week!" She smiles once again.

The next few days went by slowly. And little progress from Louis. He was moving his hands, smiling,just little things along the line of that.

Saturday night
Liam's pov

I awake to the sound of my phone going off. The caller ID is harry.

"Liam?? Liam!!!"

I hear harry On the other side of the phone.

What? I ask tiredly

"Hurry just get to the hospital call the others!" Harry hangs up.

I call zayn seconds later. Everyone was alarmed. It was mind night.and harry was calling us from the hospital. I hope Louis okay.

At the hospital
Harry's pov

Once everyone has arrived at the hospital I tell ten the good news!" LOUIS IS AWAKE!!!" I smile broadly. They all give me hugs and everyone is just happy now and Lauren is standing away from me tapping her foot. I think she's deep in thought. The doctor walks out and tells us we are aloud to go see Louis. We all walk in and Louis gives us a little awkward like smile. I brush it off and focus on that he's awake and healthy!!! Everyone walks over to Louis and gives him a hug Lauren went first the Ashlea,stormi,Liam,zayn,Niall, the finally me. I give him a hug. And I lean down to give him a kiss and he pushes me away a little. "We'll I feel loved!" I frown like a puppy. Louis doesn't smile or do anything. He lays there with a confused look on his face. "Come on Dont be that way babe." I frown

"Sorry dude but I don't know who you are and I don't kiss other dudes, I'm not a fag." He says effortlessly.

"Louis you talked!!!" Ashlea screams. Every one now with shock plastered on their faces. that's the first time Louis' ever talked!

"Umm...I talk all the time?" he smiles.

"Oh." Is all I could say as I ran out the room with tears falling freely. I sit down in a chair when I m frightened by a hand plopping down in my shoulder. It was stormi.

"Harry?" She spoke. "He just awoke from a coma its normal he doesn't remember everything."

"But me of all people!" I cry harder.

"Don't worry he'll remember one day, it may not be tomorrow or next week, but he will. He loves you." She comforted me.
"Let's go back to Louis." She suggested.

The doctor walked in and asked some questions and we told him that Louis has lost him memory. He said tht that was very normal and he should regain he memory soon but he's not sure when. It could be as short as a week or as long as an year. Louis can come home today and that we should try to remind him of some of the things he's forgotten, and if he seems confused at times that it completely Normal.

"Louis is free to leave at anytime, your welcome to stay a bit longer if wanted." The doctor then left the room.

"Why aren't my parents here?" Louis questions.

"Lou, your mom...passed away months ago. As for your dad, you guys. Aren't to fond of each other. I try to say calmly as Louis starts to cry. "Your lying!" He cries.

"Why would I lie to you louis, I love you with all my heart!" I'm now tearing up

"You may not remember but I do. and I would never tell you a lie no matter what!"

"How do you know all this why are you telling me you love me I don't know who you are!" He raises his voice at me.

"Cause we where together Louis! I was your fucking boyfriend! Okay I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I'm sorry those guys beat you up I'm sorry I tried to kiss you I'm sorry we ever met!" I break down in tears.

His facial expression softens. "I'm sorry,I'm sorry that I made you feel that way,I'm sorry I can remember. But If I really did love you then ill remember,if I didn't the I won't remember, and if that happens then we can stay friends okay dude?"

"Okay" I say plain and simple.

"We'll we should get home." I suggest

"I don't remember where I live." Louis laughs

"I'll drive you home don't worry,it's no problem considering we live in the same house." I smile


Harry is a quite attractive boy I would say so myself. Now that I have all my belongings I grab my phone out my pocket and look through all the names and numbers. Theres not many. Only the my friends from the hospital and that harry guy. Lol it sounds like he's a "hairy guy!" Haha I make myself laugh. For Harry's contact picture it's a picture of me and him...kissing. I guess he wasn't living when he said he was my boyfriend.

%%%%%%%%%minutes later%%%%%%%%%%%

We arrive at the house, I'm half asleep. I slowly open the car door. Why am I so tired! I then get swept off my feet almost giving me a heart attack!" What are you doing?" I tiredly question.

"Carrying you to the house you seemed tired and there's lots of stairs."harry says sweetly

I drift off to sleep. I wake up when my shoes are being pulled off. "Ahhh RAPE!" I yell.

"Haha no you feel asleep i was taking your shoes off so you would be comfortable. And your voice is really cute and your scream is high pitched." Harry chuckles

"What have you never heard me talk before?" I say In a duh tone.

"actually no I haven't, I haven't heard you talk or scream ever."


Harry starts to walk out the room.

"Wait where is you room?" I ask

"Here." He says plainly

"Then why didnt you put me in mine?" I question

"I did this IS your room,we share it and the bed. But I'm going to go sleep on the couch. So don't worry." He smiles and walks out the room.

I get up and run after him and tackle him to the ground. "No go sleep in the bed ill take the couch."

"No!" Harry says

"Then we will both sleep in the bed!"I smile "but I'm warning you I'm a cuddlier!" I laugh.

"I know!" harry smiles

Once in the bed room I take my shirt off and get under the covers. Harry does the same along with his pants leaving him in ONLY his underwear.
He's got a six pack!! Oh my god I feel so gay right now. He lays down next to me turning the opposite way and saying goodnight. Leaving me staring at his toned back. I crawl over him.

"Can I try something?"

"Sure." What is it?" He asks

I lean down and press a soft kiss to his lips. He kisses back.
I pull away slowly. Just trying to regain my memory. I smile.

But I do t think that was enough. I lean down again and press my lips to his once more. Halfway into the kiss he smiles and turns us over so he is in top. And depends a the kiss.
I flip us over once more. Only parting for a min to get my pants off.

Harry's pov

It came to much for me, I had to. It was to tempting I gave in. My hands slid down from his back to his bum. I pull away from his kiss. "This is wrong,you don't remember me.

"But I want to." Louis says
"And this helps." He leans down and starts to make a hickey on my neck.

"No!" I push him off me. I'm not comfortable with this.

"Okay "he frowns. And gets back under the covers. Goodnight. He smiles.


Louis then gets closer to me and cuddles up with me. I am cold he whines. "Okay fine" and we drift off to sleep.


Okay well there u have it!!! I updated!!! Don't forget to vote share or comment!!! Thame for reading follow me on twitter @1dlover70362
Have a lovely day!! My lovlies! Kisses byee 😘😘😘

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