Chapter 12

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Liam's pov

Ashlea screams for a nurse! The nurse runs into the room, two guys from the waiting room run in an grab harry an put him on the other bed next to Louis. The doctor comes in to check on harry and louis as well. We are then asked to leave the room so we ended up waiting in the hallway for about an hour and the Samantha go tiered. So we went into the waiting room and she soon fell asleep. I then decided to go to the market and get some food. Once I got to the store I headed for the sugar and sweets!! I Walked down The isle and I saw the taffy! I ran for it like my life depended on it! I went to grab the taffy when my hand touched someone else's hand I followed the hand up to her arm to the face of the beautiful girl. We leave our hands there for a minute before she finally said something, "Hi I'm Tori" With a very pretty greeting grin on her face. "I-I'm Liam" I say nervously.

Harry's pov

I'm scared and I'm stuck in this black room and I can't see anything and I want to wake up!!!!!! And then all my memories start floating around me as if I am in a movie. I miss my louis and my friends!!!! I start sobbing uncontrollably. I fall to my knees and beg to who knows to wake up!!!!! Now I can't breathe! I take in a sharp breath. I wake up as soon as my breath was taken. I open my eyes as fast as I can! Only to turn and see Louis laying on the bed uncontious and motionless. Then with no warning at all in walks Niall! I then whisper yell," you scared the shit out of me!" "I'm sorry they told me to come check on ... HOLY SHIT YOUR AWAKE!!!!" Niall yells. In runs Samantha, Lauren, ashlea,and Stormi. "Where's Liam" I ask. "He's at the market" Samantha replies.

Louis's pov

Im the happiest I could ever be! I at home with my mum and dad. We are sitting in the living room talking a bout life and how complicated it can be at times. We are smiling and laughing an just a havering the best time bonding as a family! Mum talks about how she desires to go to Hawaii, how beautiful it is there with all the flowers and all. Dad the gets up from his chair and whispers something in mums ear, a huge grin grows on her face. I smile know its something good. I love my mum so when she smiles I smile. She then leaps out off the couch and picks me up and cheers "we're going to Hawaii!!!" Dad smiles and grabs me and mum and pulls us into a big hug!

Lauren's pov

I run into the room after hearing Niall yell "your awake!" Thinking it was louis I ran and fast as I could! Only to find it was just harry. I'm sorry but I'm not to fond if him considering hes stealing my louis! I slowly backed out of the room. With out drawing any attention to my self. I sit down in the waiting room. I begin to plot out a way to get rid of harry once and for all!

Harry's pov

The somewhat geeky doctor walked into the room." You guys need to leave visiting hour is now over." I then yell I'm not leaving till this boy wakes up!

The doctor then says "I realise you guys have a very strong friendship but you can't stay!"I then brake down in tears. He says you still can't stay I don't care! I then whisper yell "I will scream rape if you don't let me!"" He says Fine stay you little fag!" Putting his hands up in defence. I smile in accomplishment. "But your little friends need to leave." Liam then speaks up and says "we'll see you tomorrow after school." They all apologetically smile as they walk out.

Zayn's pov

At this moment I am waiting for Louis to get here. He's not usually this late! I need lunch money!!!! The bell rings and I slowly walk to class. As I sit down the announcements come on. The lady on the over head talks about the weather, student council, and birthdays.

Just as I thought she was going to end she said "and everyone send you prayers to Louis Tomlinson who Is I'm a coma." I then look over to my friends Carlos is crying,Austin has a blank expression,Cody is staring in disbelief,Justin and I have a smug grin on our faces!

🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢short I know but it's an update so yeah! Tell me what u think! Lots of love kisses bye!!!👋👍💋💄❤👬💍💘💟

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