Chapter 18

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Harry's pov

"Eww get a room!" Niall yelled.

I laughed into the kiss, and stared at Louis. His face kinda went from a smile into a frown. and that's when he pushed me off him and ran to the bathroom. I got up and chased after him. standing at the bathroom door I asked "Lou what's wrong?"

"Go away!" a crying voice yelled from the other side of the door obviously in pain.

"No, I'm not going away till your happy again. ill sit outside this door all night if I have to." I said being the stubborn person I am.

"Please." the voice cried.

"Boobear...i love you, please tell me what's bothering you." I whispered.

"Everything..." he replied in an barley audible whisper.

"Open up, I'm coming in." I stated. turning the knob after I heated the click of the door.

I sat down next to Louis on the floor. he rested his head in my shoulder as he slightly began to cry. I brought him into a hug. he started to sob even more.

"Boo... what's wrong?" I questioned.

And once again he replied "everything."

"Can I help?" I asked.

And to my surprise he answered "yes."

"What can I do?" I smiled asking happy to help.

"Forget about me... us.... e-everything we are- wh-ere." his voice cracking and stuttering at the end.

"I can't do that." is all I could reply.

"Why!?!" He yelled at full volume.

"Because I love you." I admitted.

"W-hy." he shook his head crying.

"I don't know there's just something about you that's...different. And I like it. like your so carefree and beautiful, funny, I don't really know there's just like there's a magnetic force pulling me to you I couldn't stay away if I wanted to...i.... just love you. everyone has a soulmate and I think you mine. whether you think I'm yours or not doesn't matter cause I KNOW for a fact that fate out us together, and fate is never wrong no denying it.... we where ment for each other." I finished with a smile on my face.

"I still don't understand. I'm not any of those things. I don't know why you still live me when I forgot you! I FUCKING FORGOT YOU HARRY! I didn't know who you where! and I still dont! all I know is that your this really charming handsome romantic lad... that I just so happened to fall in love with all over again. but.... I don't deserve you. I forgot you and you don't deserve that. you deserve someone who would remember you!" be cried.

"Louis you list your memory it's not like you could do anything about that its not your fault! all that matters is that I love you and you love me and we are in love that's all that matters to me! I don't care if you forgot me! it was t your fault! I smiled brightly dimples showing.

"I live you, ya curly haired fool!" Louis smiled and pushed me down on the bathroom tiles and kissed me. it was the most passionate kiss we've ever shared, or that I've ebbed had. it was beautiful.


YAY AN UPDATE!!! Ily did ya like it? Or nahhh?! Okay comment share and I'd like 3 votes before the next chapter! So plz vote and I promise I will update more often cuz ill actually have something to update for! not that I don't appreciate all the reads and votes but I'd like to get some more I know I know I'm Greedy! Anywhore 3 votes for the next chapter!

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