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Harry pov

I haven't slept a wink I've been up waiting for Louis. I want to be the first face he sees when he wakes. A young women walks into the room. She interduces her self as Clair. I take it she's a doctor. She smiles then looks over at Louis, "he's staying strong for you." She whispers. I can tell you guys where close the way you wouldn't leave his side yesterday. "Oh you saw that." I say shyly. "You must of been close friends." She says. "Something like that." I whisper. "What do you mean?" Clair asks "where you guys together... Like in a relationship?"Clair questions me "yeah" I whisper almost in tears Clair reaches over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder everything will be all right she tells me as I start to sob. As I start to calm down she goes back to checking on Louis. "If it makes you feel any better when some people are in a coma they can hear when you talk to them." "Or you. Could write to him or something it'll help you to be happy." She tells me. She hands me a little notebook.

Clair leaves the room and later back with a donut and coffee. I Smile and thank her. I turn to the little notebook on the table and pick up a pen and begin to write in the little booklet.

Dear Louis,

I miss you! Please wake up,I need you! With out you I'm nothing. I beg of you please wake up!!!!! There's not much to say its Monday. But I'm not leavening your side till you wake up even if that means missing school for a while. I'm sorry this happened! I can't stand seeing you like this! Ever sense Saturday you've been like this and I'm slowly breaking. I need you.



Louis' pov

Mum,dad, and I are getting ready to board the airplane for Hawaii!!! I've never been on a plane before so this should be exciting. once we are on the plane we buckle in for a long fly there.

Lauren's pov

I need to get rid of harry! So Louis can love me not HIM!!! I don't know what to do to him but I figure it out soon! He's a little prick that needs to die! Louis isn't gay! Harry probably made him act gay or something! I know my Louis and the way he looks at me is pure love!! So that just proves that he's not gay!!

Liam's pov

I can't get my mind off of Tori!! The way her hair flows and her beautiful brown eyes and- shut up shut up Liam!!! You have a girlfriend stupid remember Samantha?!? Wait where is Samantha? I turn to Niall have you seen Samantha? "She's home sick don't you remember she left first hour." Niall says questionly oh yeah must of forgotten! I smile and laugh a bit!

Nialls pov

Okay just walk up and ask her what's the problem with that? I yell in my own head! I slowly walk over to Ashlea with the stupidest grin on my face! "Hey ash can I ask you a question?" She smile and says "ask away!" "Will you like do you think would you-" " I think I know where your going with this!" She smiles and starts to lean in and presses a kiss to my cheek. "Yes" she smiles! Yay!!!!! We then walk per to Stormi and Lauren arguing over who's better spoby or Ezra and Aria!


Harry's pov

It's 6:30 in the morning I decide to go get a coffee and some food. I grabbed a cupcake and a donut. When I'm done I lean over and rub small circles on louis hand. He smiles! Nurse I yell! She runs in. He smiled!!!! Yell I was holding his hand and he. Smiled!!!!


Short but I updated!!!! Thanks for reading!!! Follow me on twitter @1dlover70362

Kisses bye my lovelies!!!💋💄❤❤🇺🇸🇬🇧

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